Finding Elsa...

"Grandmother was the one who put her under the services of the princess" I added. The emperor stood up immediately and opens the door. He sent one of the maids to call the women back to the room.

I knew that grandmother was in trouble, I tried many times to make her understand that the emperor loves me just the same way he loved her. I was also a member of her family. She was supposed to treat me like a daughter.

In less than four minutes, the women assembled in the room. Queen mother was the first to person to ask why they were called back. "Did something happen?"

"Yes, grandmother" prince Edward walked to where she was and stood in front of her. He was fearless and courageous as his father. His love for me as a mother was true. I felt strong having the both of them as family. "She said a maid by the name Elsa was in the room with my sister before the fire outbreak."