My Anniversary...

"Happy second anniversary, mother" prince Edward wished me, all of a sudden. I stared at him for some minutes. Whose anniversary was he talking about? 

"Where is that coming from?" I inquired, pouring water from the jug into the cup. I hand it over to him.

"Are you not aware of today?" Mother was amazed. She thought I knew what was going on. "I have no idea!"

"No, mother. I woke up this morning to prepare for the Coronation and I saw a lot of gifts in the room. Who are they for?"

"The Emperor sent them to you. I thought you knew that today is also your anniversary with the Emperor" She told me. "Two years ago, you traveled from Camelot to Akkad. Your presence brought joy into this palace. For the first time in my life, I saw my son express love for a woman that is not from his blood. Thank you for coming into your lives."