
Sam was driving to work like usual. He is a twenty-eight years old biomedical engineer and researcher. He has always had a passion for science, when he was younger he would mix a bunch of cleaning products to see if he could get a reaction. He was famous for his mix of baking soda and vinegar which always makes a mess. In high school, his favorite class was biology and chemistry.

However, as time went on he was slowly losing his passion for science and all the aspects of it that he found exciting. He felt that what he used to enjoy was becoming work, but he still went on to become a biomedical engineer and researcher expecting to rekindle his passion.

Back to the present day, Sam is on his way to work. He has to continue his group project and hopefully get some time for his latest side project. This time it seems he was going to discover something groundbreaking. He believes to have discovered a mixture of substances that can bend and tear a hole in space.

Sam arrives at the research building. He goes through the security checks and processes required to enter the building. He eventually reached his lab and continued his side research. This time he mixed more substances, at first there was no reaction. He waited for a couple minutes, then...


Sam's research lab and the other labs nearby seemed to be wiped off the face of the planet. Besides the initial boom, there was no other sound or action. It was almost as if the area got deleted.

The rest of the research facility was in chaos, the left side of the facility seemed to have disappeared out of nowhere. People were running out of the buildings. Sirens were screaming, the security and everyone else were trying to figure out what happened and why. For now, all they could do was evacuate the area.


Meanwhile, Sam and some of his colleagues were falling through what looked like a tunnel. The tunnel was pitch black, it seemed that no form of light could survive or penetrate into the tunnel. Sam was scared out of his mind. Why did he always have to test the boundaries of the unknown. Although he knew his side experiment would lead to a great discovery, he did not expect this. He thought he would create a small rip in space.

Sam's colleagues were even more terrified than Sam. All they could remember was getting their labs ready for the day then they suddenly were in a black void. They could only scream and cry as they hoped for the best. After a couple of hours of screaming and crying, Sam and his colleagues calmed down a little. Although Sam and his colleagues could not see or hear each other, they simultaneously started to panic when they saw flashing lights.

The lights were some of the colleagues disappearing. Although they did not know what the light meant, in their perspective it meant death. Eventually, Sam and all his colleagues were taken away by the flashing lights.

When Sam regained consciousness, he screamed as he touched himself all over making sure he was still in one piece. He scanned his surroundings, and what he saw shocked him. He was surrounded by trees, wild plant life and a small pond. He noticed the air smelt fresh and clean and he tried to get up. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell. He looked down to see what he slipped on and saw blood and what looked like crushed body parts.

For a second, he thought it was his colleagues but when he saw the outfits the crushed bodies had on, he dismissed the idea. His colleagues were wearing shirts and pants not robes. But that didn't make the situation any better, he was still freaked out, finding that he was in a pool of blood and organs. He wondered why there were dead bodies just lying around.

Did he fall on them and kill them?

Did the rift that brought him here kill them?

He get up again to distance himself from the blood and crushed bodies.

He took a deep breath and looked around again. He confirmed that the air here really did feel much better. The trees and plants looked greener and bigger than usual. He was surrounded by trees as far as he could see. Each tree seemed like they were trying to reach for the sky and the sun in the sky also looked bigger than usual.

Sam wondered where he was. He was terrified and excited about the unknown like he has always been.

As he pondered about what to do next and how to get back to where he came from he decided to wash off the blood and dirt in the nearby pond.

As he was washing up starting from his legs, he noticed that his legs were shorter and had no hair. He was confused, why did he feel smaller than normal? He then looked at his reflection.

Sam was originally an above average-looking twenty-eight years old man with short black hair and ice-blue eyes. He would be considered a pretty boy if not for his beard which made him look more manly. But now he looked like a fourteen-year-old version of himself.

"Nooooooooo!!!!! Do you know how long it took me to grow my beard?!" Sam bellowed.

After his little tantrum, he took a deep breath to calm down and analyze his current situation. Sam has always been a calm and collected person, but sometimes he has his off moments.

Sam's mantra has always been to keep calm, stay patient and find something to exploit. He got these traits from his experiences. He needed to be calm and patient when conducting experiments because almost ninety percent of all experiments fail. As for finding something to exploit, he was naturally a competitive person, he needed to take advantage of any and all things.

Analyzing his current situation, Sam wondered if he was sent to a different world like in those novels he used to read as a kid. That would be so awesome, but only if he had a cheat like the main characters in those novels.

Nonetheless, Sam needed some clothes to cover up and blend in. He felt uncomfortable taking the clothes of the dead especially when he could see their blood and body parts. But he needed their clothes, he was not going to wander around in a strange land naked.

Sam walked up to one of the corpses whose clothes looked the least damaged and took it off the corpse. As he was taking the clothes off, he saw something fall out from the clothes. It looked like a pouch. He picked it up and tried to open it but unfortunately he could open it. He examined the pouch and put it away in the robe. He assumed it might be valuable since the person was carrying it when they were alive.

After washing the robes he took, he decided to check the clothes of the other three bodies to see if he could find anything that could help him in this situation. He knew he needed all the help he could get in this unknown place. And as he thought, the other three bodies also had a pouch. He put them in his robes and looked for a way out of this wilderness.

He thought about burying the bodies but that was too much work. He didn't even have a shovel and there's no way he would use his hands. So he looked around for a while then he picked a direction and started walking.