Chapter 7

Author's Note:

Hello! It's night time here already, and I just opened this app to find out that I have 100 votes! You people are crazy, and making me post my stocked chapters.

Those stocked chapters are like my extra days of being able to rest (be lazy actually lol), and you took 2 extra chapters today. That means those two chapters was worth two days of updates!

Don't give me votes anymore 'cause I don't want to be force to reward you guys with another extra chapter. (Just kidding! Gimme those votes, you mortals!)


Kakuna has already learned the Iron Defense move since last two days ago, and currently it was only using it's Harden and Iron Defense moves continuously to train and be proficient on it.

It was already night time, and I think for about few hours, kakuna will be able to evolve. I have already planed it to guard me and zubat as we take a rest from this ordeal. I'm sure it will be able to guard us fine since it'll be a strong beedrill by then.

A few hours passed, and it wasn't still able to evolve. Suddenly, zubat screeched signaling that there are pokemon coming. It was numbered as five, and I know zubat can handle them fine on it's own.

Soon enough, 5 pidgeys appeared. I ordered zubat to finish them off, and he was able to easily destroy the 4 other pidgeys except for one.

I then checked that pidgey's stats, and found out that it has a 2 star potential. But I'm sure that zubat can still finish that pokemon fast since the pokemon here are no match for zubat anymore.

Unfortunately though, a uncommon thing happened, and that pidgey started glowing. It was evolving, and I want to interrupt it but it is a unspoken rule to not disturb a pokemon's evolution process.

In a legend, it was said that Arceus will curse the person or pokemon that hinders the evolution of other pokemon. Of course there are exceptions like when a pokemon holds an everstone, or the pokemon itself stops it's evolution then that's fine.

I wanted to stop it but I still let it happen since those legend might be true. I can't play with those legends and myths, or I might regret it after. Soon enough, the pidgey turned into a pidgeotto. I can't wait for a clan member to come here to catch this pokemon since I'm sure they'll be only checking this forest by the morning to find if their are any new evolved pokemon.

I can only fight it with zubat. I'm sure we can handle this pokemon.

"Zubat use supersonic, and dodge it's attacks using quick attack. Wait for an opening to attack it." I instructed.

Pidgeotto attacked immediately using wing attack but zubat quickly dodged it using quick attack.

Zubat counterattacked with supersonic. Pidgeotto was a bit disoriented but didn't became confused. It then attacked zubat with gust but zubat was unable to dodge so zubat used gust also to deflect it's attack, and then proceeded to use quick attack to have a bit of breathing space from pidgeotto.

The pidgeotto saw this so it also used quick attack to inflict damage to zubat. Zubat was unable to dodge it, and was hit by it. It's crazy to think how an evolution made this pokemon be able to fight zubat evenly.

Zubat then used poison fang, leech life and absorb at the same time the pidgeotto attacked him. This made zubat recover his HP from pidgeotto. Sadly, pidgeotto wasn't poisoned by the poison fang.

Pidgeotto was hurt but not that much but zubat's attack wasn't over, and used supersonic to try to confuse it. Pidgeotto was again only disoriented but this time zubat followed that attack with bite making pidgeotto flinch.

This gave an opening for an attack so it used quick attack then a poison fang, and lastly a quick attack to get out of pidgeotto's range.

This time pidgeotto was poisoned, and it was only a matter of time before it gets knocked down. The next strategy is focusing on dodging, and letting the poison finish it off.

"Zubat use supersonic again, and focus on stalling for time to let the poison wear pidgeotto down." I said, and zubat did that.

This time supersonic made pidgeotto confused as it was hitting a tree with gust. Zubat then continuously used supersonic to keep pidgeotto in a confused state. The pidgeotto even started to attack the tree with quick attack, and this results it to hurt itself.

"Very good, zubat. Now, finish it off with a series of attack."

Zubat then attacked pidgeotto with wing attack, bite, poison fang, leech life, and swift. And finally this made pidgeotto knocked out, and dying because of the poisoned status. I can't save it from it's poisoned status since I don't have any antidotes with me. I mean the clan doesn't give us any antidotes, and only poison tablets for our poison resistance training. And as I said before if we die because of poison then the clan will let it be.

After that fight though, zubat was very exhausted, and fainted from tiredness. I caught zubat, and hugged the little guy to sleep. Zubat was continuously growing stronger, and it already has a height of 1.2 meters making it 0.4 meters bigger compared to it's normal kind.

While I was carrying zubat, a light suddenly appeared. The light was coming from the hole filled with corpses of ekans, caterpies, and weedles.

Kakuna was evolving, and I was excited to say the least. I ran towards the hole with me carrying zubat while it was sleeping.

After a few minutes, the corpses around kakuna scattered in the air, and came out of it is a beedrill.

The beedrill happily flew towards me while making beedrill sounds. I checked it's stats and was happy to see that it's potential increased from 4 to 4.5.

I read it's description and found out that it's potential is 2.5 times greater than a 4 star potential. This makes a huge difference compared to before.

Beedrill's stats looks like this;


Potential: 4.5 star




Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Harden, Iron Defense, Fury Attack]

Beedrill's past ability was changed again, and it also learned a new move called fury attack. After this, I have to focus on zubat since I can feel that it might evolve by 2 to 3 months, or maybe even earlier. I don't know how I know it but it's like a sixth sense or something.

"Beedrill, congratulations for evolving but for now please guard me and zubat while we rest. We really need it." I said, and beedrill nodded.

I took out a sleeping bag, and slept with zubat beside me. I can't wait for morning to come, and return to the clan to sleep at my soft bed.

With that, I slept, and beedrill was flying around to guard us.