Chapter 28

Author's Note:

Here's the extra chapter for reaching 400 votes! Thank you for the support!


2 days passed, and I've earned 850,000 kanto dollars from the pokemon Liz sold in the black market. I would have went to the black market myself but people would find it strange that a kid is selling some good quality pokemon so it's better for Liz to do it instead of me. Another reason is because Liz has some skills which makes others difficult to follow her as she returns in the inn. Also, I'm lazy but the main reason is because of the first one.

The 850,000 Kanto dollars was split into two. I've gave 300,000 Kanto dollars to Liz to buy anything she thinks that we needed for our journey like potions, pokeballs, and so on. While I took the remaining money, I kept some of the money in the pokemon center which also has a banking system inside.

I'm left with 200,000 kanto dollars which I plan to use for letting my pokemon learn some moves in the poke mart. I'm currently walking towards the poke mart with Liz.

Liz plans to buy some more books in the poke mart for her to read since she already finished reading the books I bought her the other day. I plan to first let Golbat learn some pokemon moves before Beedrill.

I plan to let Golbat learn the move Shadow Ball to cover his weakness to psychic types, and also Zen Headbutt which is great for poison types. While for beedrill, I plan to let her learn the move Drill Run to cover her weakness of ground types, rock types, and fire types. I also plan to let her learn the move Protect which is a great move for protecting her, and also me.

This moves will make them stay 2 days with the move tutors each. I plan to make them learn each of their moves alternatively since I don't want both of them gone from me at the same time. If they're both away then I'll have no form of protection.

Soon, we arrived at the poke mart, and I part ways with Liz since she plans to buy some items in the poke mart. I looked around, and found a stall which has a sign 'Move Tutorial'.

The stall has two people in it, a man and a woman. They both were wearing green clothes, and has something written on it that says 'Move tutors'. Seeing the stall, I walked towards it, and talked about my plan on teaching my pokemon moves.

It cost 50,000 kanto dollars each move, and some other moves which are powerful cost more. I paid 100,000 kanto dollars to them, and then gave the pokeball with golbat in it.

I already consulted my pokemon about my plan so golbat won't be surprised when he comes out in the pokeball, and not finding me after.

I walked around the poke mart but found nothing which I need from the moment. For my remaing money, I plan to let Liz go to the black market again, and find some items which can help beedrill increase in potential. It's better to buy in the black market since some of the items there are cheaper compared to the poke mart.

I noticed before that golbat was harder to increase in potential, and it cost much more rarer items compared to beedrill. It seems that the pokemon has some different grades in difficulty in increasing one's potential by their kind.

So, I can hypothesize that those pseudo legendary pokemom will be harder to increase in potential while pokemon which are weak inherently like beedrill will have easier time to increase it's potential. This is only a theory though, and their is no concrete proof that I'm right.

While I'm thinking about this, I look around to find Liz, and saw her buying many books again with some needed supplies which can help in our journey. She's already at the cashier's bar counter, and are paying for the items.

"You're done, Liz?" I asked.

"Yes, master. I bought some books pertaining on how beedrill can increase in potential. I'll read these books first before going to that place. I think I'll be done after a day or two." Liz said while we waited for the cashier to finish packing the items.

After waiting some time, the cashier finished in packing the items. We then went back to the inn, and rested for the day.


It's been four days, and my two pokemon has already learned the moves I wanted them to learn. Their stats currently looks like this;


Potential: 4.5 star

Power Level: Beginner Level (3rd Tier)


Inner Focus


Moves: Absorb, Supersonic, Gust (Egg move), Quick Attack (Egg move), Astonish, Mean Look, Swift, Poison Fang, Leech Life, Wing Attack, Bite, Air Slash, Confuse Ray, Quick Guard, Air Cutter, Haze, Venoshock, Screech, Shadow Ball(T), Zen Headbutt(T)]


Potential: 4.5 star

Power Level: Beginner Level (3rd Tier)




Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Harden, Iron Defense, Fury Attack, Focus Energy, Twineedle, Rage, Pursuit, Poison Jab, Agility, Pin Missile, Drill Run(T), Protect(T)]

{T = Tutored}

Looking at the stats, I feel proud since I'm like a father to them. I raised them since they're an egg, and seeing their growth like this feels great.

"Master, I've bought everything that beedrill will need to increase her potential. Here are the items." Liz interrupted me from my thoughts while I was looking at my pokemon's stats.

I'm currently in the inn's training ground for the pokemon. Golbat and beedrill are fighting each other as a form of practice. Tomorrow will be the day when I go to the pokemon gym so I want them to do some warm up before the fight.

"These are bug gems. I bought five of them which only cost 50,000 each while this item in the test tube is called silver powder. The silver powder cost 100,000 for 5 grams each." Liz explains while I looked at the items. This means that I have no money left, again. How I wish I was born from a rich family. If I was born in one then all of my pokemon will have a 5 star potential already.

"Also, use the five gems first, master. The silver powder should be used when beedrill's finished all of the bug gems. This way, the items will be perfectly utilized. I'm sure, beedrill will increase in potential after finishing everything, master." Liz explains.