Chapter 38

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


"Get yourself ready to attack, Golbat. If the person coming shows any sign of ill intent then attack immediately." I said to Golbat and he screeched signifying that he understands.

After a few minutes, a shadow can be seen from the distance and it was…

Just Liz…

I sighed in relief when finding out that it was just Liz. Golbat also relaxed and screeched at Liz.

"Good evening, master and Golbat. I've sold everything you have tasked me to. The money is inside this bag." Liz said as she hands me a bag full of money inside.

"Thank you, Liz. Like always tomorrow will divide the money. I'll give some to you for the budget of our supplies. Also, that money is for you to buy books that you want. But I want you to research about ways in increasing Golbat's potential first. Can you do that?" I asked her.

"Yes, master. I'll start doing that tomorrow." Liz answered.

"Great. Also, do you think it's normal for Beedrill to stay like this for 3 hours? I'm worried that something wrong might have happened." I asked to Liz.

Liz looked at Beedrill and said.

"Yes, that's totally normal. You don't have to worry, and just wait for an hour more, master. Beedrill will wake up after that." Liz explained.

"That's good to hear. Then you can go and rest now. I'll wait for Beedrill first before going to bed." I said to her.

"I want to watch the process too, master. If that's fine with you." Liz said while bowing her head.

"Of course, you can join us. You don't need to ask for permission with these kind of things, Liz." I said to her. She still seems to be used by the clan rules but she's slowly opening up to me.

"Thank you, master." Liz replied and then stood at a corner looking at Beedrill with interest. She even has a notebook, and she seems to be taking down notes or something. I don't know what she is writing but it might help me in the future, and besides there is nothing wrong with what she is doing.


Another hour has passed, and Beedrill suddenly flapped her wings. She then started to glow in a yellow color but the glow wasn't that bright to cause attention from the people in the town. It was a mesmerizing sight, and an imposing power is coming from her.

This happened for 2 minutes, and fortunately, no one came towards here. Golbat was screeching when Beedrill was glowing, and it felt like he was cheering for her. What a supportive fellow.

I looked at Beedrill, and found that she really did increase in potential. I jumped once I saw that, and I can see Liz looking at me with a laughing expression.

"Hey, don't laugh! I just got a little excited from the situation!" I said to Liz while feeling embarrassed from the situation.

"I'm not, master. I just got surprised from your action. Then I'll be going first to rest for the night, master." Liz said and immediately run after. She actually escaped from me.

Beedrill has a 5 star potential now and I can say that I've accomplished one of the goals I have. Next would be Golbat's turn.

"How are you feeling, Beedrill?" I asked Beedrill.

Beedrill then said pokemon words while swinging her stingers around. She was flying up and down while making beedrill sounds. She looks excited and happy from her potential increasing.

"Congratulations for reaching the 5 star potential, Beedrill. We have to train harder to make your potential worth it, okay?" I told to her and she nodded while doing some stabbing actions with her stingers. Golbat then flew with her and said some pokemon words I didn't understand.

"Let's get going, and rest for the night since it's pretty late already. I have to rest to make my body grow." I told to the two pokemon, and they both nodded.


The next day, I counted the money that Liz got from selling the pokemon we caught. She sold all of them for a total of 700,000 kanto dollars. It's decent but I think it won't be enough to buy items that can increase Golbats potential.

I'll change my plan, and just let my pokemon learn new moves instead. I'll split the money again, and like last time I'll give Liz 300,000 kanto dollars.

The remaining amount will be completely use for my two pokemon to learn new moves. I have to think about the moves they have to learn next, and I'll then visit the poke mart tomorrow. For now, I'll train the two while thinking of the moves suitable for the two.


The next day, I've decided to let the two of them learn four moves each. Golbat will be learning the moves Protect, Steel Wing, Agility, and Heat Wave. I wanted the move Protect since it's a great move for defense. The Agility to make his high speed stat to become more faster. Steel Wing and Heat Wave since it will help cover his other weakness which are rock and ice.

For Beedrill, I want her to learn the moves Double Team, Roost, Sword Dance, and X-Scissor. I choose Double Team since it can help in dodging attacks and even distracting the enemy. Roost to let her heal wounds in and out of battles. Sword Dance to let her increase her attack stat without needing to use Rage. Rage is great but it makes her attack stat return to normal once she didn't chain it continuously after a minute. X-Scissor since it deals greater damage compared to her other bug type moves.

With every moves of them decided, I went towards the poke mart with Liz. I will do the same thing I've done before by letting Golbat and Beedrill stay with the move tutors one at a time. It will take 4 days for each of them to completely learn every move that they're about to learn. So, I have to wait for 8 days before being able to challenge the pokemon gym in the town.