Chapter 61

Author's Note:

Here's the bonus chapter for reaching 800 votes! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


"Let's go to Grandma Moi's place next, Liz." I told her after getting out of the front office.

Liz nodded then we walked towards the house of the old hag. Once we arrived on that place though, a sharp kunai immediately pass by my head.

"My bad, my kunai went to a different direction than I intended to. Sorry." A voice came infront of us, and I saw Myne giving me a cold look.

She then looked at Liz then changed expression from cold to warm. A crazy girl indeed.

"You should be careful with your kunai, or else it might hit you next time." I told her with a smiling face. I picked up her kunai then threw it back at her. She easily catch that though.

"Thanks for the advice but I don't need it, kid." Myne replied.

"Calling me a 'kid' won't make you old. Look at your chest, I don't see any bumps in there." I told her with a teasing smile.

"Why you!?" She flared up, and was about to throw the kunai at me but was stopped by a hand.

"Enough with this childish act, children. Myne go back to your training, I only let you have a break since you wanted to see Liz." The old hag said while Gengar was holding Myne's hand.

"Hmph! Come with me Liz. I have so many things to talk about." Myne said with a smiling face at Liz. What did I do to not receive her kindness like Liz? I did not steal or do anything bad to her.

Wait a minute. Maybe, I did. Liz was supposed to be Myne's personal maid but the old hag made Liz be mine. Maybe the girl is a lesbian or something? I won't judge her though since it's her right to like anyone she wants.

Myne then dragged Liz away while the old hag can only sigh at this situation. Liz only gave me an apologizing look, and I just nodded at her.

"Kid, come with me. I'll teach you something that might help you in your upcoming trials." The old hag said making me stop thinking about Myne.

I nodded then me moved places, and went to her training grounds. Her training grounds was under her house, and it was a spacious place to have. It was plain though, and does not have any other designs. It just have many pillars which I think acts as support to not make the place collapse.

"Alright, we'll be training here." The old hag said then stopped at the middle of the room.

"Do you have any idea why your Golbat can't detect me when I suddenly just appear beside you?" The old hag suddenly asked.

"Maybe, it's super powers like having psychic powers or aura?" I answered with uncertainty.

"Quite close but not enough. We can't say we have super powers like those but we do have a special blood running in our veins. They said that the blood running in our body is from a pokemon. Apparently, that certain pokemon blessed our clan with it's powers. If others have psychic powers or aura then we have this so called Spirit Body. We can turn our body into a ghost like entity making us able to not make sounds and presence." She explained then suddenly she was gone in front of me.

"This is an example of this power. There are limitations to this power though. We can only stay like this depending on how much mastery you have in this skill. For me, I can only do this for 3 hours straight. Also, even if we have a ghost like body we can't go through anything like walls." The old hag said then appeared again.

"Do you have any questions?" She asked. I was amazed by what I'm seeing, and I have so many questions to ask.

"How did we gain this power, master?" I asked her.

"I already told you, it's from a pokemon which blessed us with this power. We don't know which pokemon it was since we don't have any written records for it." The old hag answered.

"Then why did the clan not focus on training ghost type instead of poison type?" I asked her. I mean we have this power like turning into a ghost why not make our pokemon ghost type too since that will make much more sense.

"What? You want us to only use a single pokemon line? You do know that the ghost type we locally have here is only the Gastly line, right?" The old hag said making me remember that we do only have three ghost type here in kanto.

"Then why did we not include the Gastly line in our clan's main pokemon?" I asked her.

"Since you're my disciple, it's time to tell you some other information pertaining that. Actually, our main clan trains not only the 9 pokemon evolution line that I've told you before but there are another two pokemon evolution line included in there." The old hag answered slowly making me impatient to know them.

"They are the Gastly line and the Bulbasaur line. These two can only be attained within the main clan, and those who get them are those who gave great contributions to the clan." The old hag said.

"As I've told you before, I've got my Gengar outside of the clan. Well, outside of our clan only since I got this little guy from our main clan." The old hag replied.

"Any more questions?" She asked.

"Well, why do we train the Bulbasaur line, master? I mean, that pokemon is considered as a royalty in our region, right?" I asked curiously.

"You still don't understand? Can't you see that our clan has a high ranking compared to others. Let me tell you then, there are many clans in the region but there are only three clans which are famous not only in our region but also to the other ones. Those three clans are the Poison clan or also called Toxic Clan which is ours, the Cerul clan, and the Draconian clan." The old hag said.

"These three clans are raising each of the royalty pokemon. The Bulbasaur line for our clan, the Squirtle line to the Cerul clan, and the Charmander line to the Draconian clan. But even if we are the strongest clan in the region, there are still notable clans that the other regions are worried of. They are the Psion clan, Jenny and Joy clan, and Au clan. The Psion clan is the clan who are inherently born with psychic powers. The Jenny and Joy clan is a clan where women are at power. They are great in healing and protecting. You can say they are the shield and medicine of the region. While for the Au clan, they are the people who holds the power of Aura." The old hag explains.

"You understand? Keep those clans in mind. You won't want to offend those clans in the future. Also, even though our region has users of psychic powers and aura powers that does not mean that the other regions don't have those. They also have people that has those powers, and they even have a group of people that are expert in the field of medicine and healing. The other regions also has their own specialties and are not to be underestimated." She said.

"Do you know about the Butterfree clan, master?" I asked since I want to know what position does that clan has.

"You're asking for your fake sisters' clan. Well, let's just say that they came to power just recently. Before, you can say they are in the bottom but they managed to be a clan just below ours. They did it because of Vhan. That kid made a great deed in making himself a pokemon gym leader. You did great in making a connection with those two girls." The old hag praised.

"Anymore questions?" She asked.

"One last thing, master. How do I get this Spirit Body that you're talking about earlier?" I asked.

"Oh that thing. Actually, attaining the Spirit Body is the reason why we do the trials that you're about to get into. Attaining that power is actually easy, you just need to drink something." She said with a wide smile.

I thought the process would be hard but to think that I will only need to drink something made me relieved.