The Demon God Ira’s Unique Skill

Early in the next morning, before the sun could even rise into the horizon, the citizens of Katonia city were suddenly awakened by the loud wild roars of Count Bertrand.


"My money, my money, I have been robbed. Someone robbed all my money and saving!"

The whole estate was flipped over by Count Bertrand's wild screams as he was running around the estate in his white undies like a crazy person.

He didn't have the time to properly dress, let alone clean himself as he running around and crying as if he had just lost someone extremely important.

"Where the hell are those damn Knights? Where the hell were you when I was getting robbed?" The Count shouted as veins began to pop out on his face. Intense rage and insanity poured out from his eyes.

Even if he were to tear those damn knights into pieces and eat them alive, it wouldn't be enough to quench his anger at this moment.

"That bastard even steal my rings and my gold teeth."Angrily yelled out the Count as he was showing the gap in his mouth where the gold teeth were implanted with tears streaming down his face.

"I could have been killed last night and none of you would have known. Why the fuck am I paying you all that money for?"

The Count's body was shaking, and smoke began to rise up from the top of his head. Veins of blood shot through his eyes, which radiated a vicious frenzy.

How could he not go crazy after experiencing such a heavy loss? His heart virtually dripped with blood, as if someone had literally ripped it open.

His secret chamber that originally contained tens of millions of gold coins had vanished into thin air.

All of his Ether Stones, gemstones, rare treasures...everything was gone, even the random odds and ends he had collected inside.

The secret chamber had been thoroughly cleaned out. He was now completely broke.

His savings of many years, all of his wealth were all robed in a single night under the watchful gaze of those damn incompetent knights. He even suspected that it was an inside job.

Meanwhile, under the crazy roar of the Count, all the knights lowered their heads in shame, especially the ones that were on duty last night. This was a great humiliation to them.

They couldn't believe someone dared to break into the estate of the Count which was guarded by hundreds of powerful knights and mages and robbed him blind.

That person even dismantled the reception room where the Count received his most distinguished guest and stole the floor tiles.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? Go and search the entire city and bring me the head of that thief along with my money." Screamed the Count, gnashing his teeth as he thought of his money.

"I don't care if you have to search every single house and block the entire city. I want my money back." He added with a look of madness on his face. His voice was like the night owl who was spitting blood.

Under the order of the Count, more than half of the knights left the estate to look for the thief while the rest stayed to guard the Count just in case the thief decided to come back.

"Awww, my.. my money… my money!" The Count was sitting at the entrance of his mansion as he was crying and wailing like nobody's business, screaming like there's no tomorrow.

As Count Bertrand was crying and wailing like a baby, the gate of the estate was suddenly pushed open as Mikhail and Handal walked in. They were followed by dozens of imperial knights.

While Handal had a complicated look on his face, Mikhail's eyes were filled with rage and anger.

Seeing the arrival of the Handal, Count Bertrand suddenly rushed towards him and bowed down on the ground as he said."12th Prince your Imperial Highness, please seek justice for your lowly subject. Someone came last night and stole all my money."

However, before Handal could even say anything, Mikhail's cold voice suddenly rang out in the count's ears."Count Bertrand, you are under arrest for attempting to assassinate a member of the Imperial Family."

Upon hearing Mikhail's words, Count Bertrand suddenly stood up and the initial grieving expression on his face was instantly dispelled and was instead replaced by a frightened and bewildered expression.

'What hell is going? Am I cursed by the God of Misfortune?'

"Brother, don't quickly jump to conclusions. Even though the person that tried to assassinate you last night was a maid working for Count Bertrand didn't mean that he was the one who ordered the hit." Explained Handal.

"W.....what. Someone tried to assassinate the 13th Prince last night and it was one of the maids." Count Bertrand mumbled with a trembling voice after hearing the words of the 12th Prince.

"What do you mean brother? if it wasn't him then who do you think ordered the maid to kill me while I was asleep," Mikhail asked with a cold expression on his face?

Mikhail already knew that Count Bertrand was innocent and didn't have anything with the assassination as his dear brother had orchestrated everything.

His dear brother has spies and assassins planted everywhere to do his bidding and the maid last night was one of them. The poor Count Bertrand didn't even know many of his staff were the 12th Prince's people.

Though his dear brother was trying to kill him, Mikhail didn't plan on doing the same. Instead, he planned on toying and tormenting him until he fell into a bottomless pit of despair.

He wanted to make him live a life worse than death. Even though he had taken over the body of Vandal, he wasn't as kind and noble as Vandal.

He was extremely vengeful. Furthermore, he also had no emotional attachment to his new family members. They were all a means to an end to him.

"I don't know that yet, but I will send a team to investigate everything. If you didn't kill that maid last night, we could have questioned her to find the real culprit." Answered Handal.

'This bastard is like a cockroach. Also, I can't believe that bitch failed to accomplish such a simple task and even got her identity exposed.'

'Wasn't she a 7-Star Aura Knight, yet she couldn't even take care of a 5-Star Aura Knight? Wait! Don't tell me Vandal has been hiding his strength.' Handal inwardly thought.

At this moment, Handal didn't have time to think about all that. He just wanted to take care of the situation in front of him.

As Count Bertrand was one of his supporters, Handal didn't want him dead as he was still extremely useful to him.

Furthermore, if he were to fail in protecting the Count from his brother, many nobles would hesitate to follow him in the future as they would view him as a weak prince that was unable to protect his own people.

"13th Imperial Prince your highness, this lowly one is innocent. I wouldn't dare to send an assassin to kill the son of the Sun of the Helios Empire."Count Bertrand hurriedly said a frightened expression on his face.

At this moment, he was scared shitless. He didn't care about the burglary anymore. He just wanted to save his skin.

Attempting to kill a member of the Imperial family was a grave crime. If he were to find guilty, he would be executed on the spot along with his whole family.

"If I said he is the culprit, then he is." Mikhail coldly uttered as he unsheathed his sword.


With a single slash, Count Bertrand's head was severed from his head and was sent flying in the air while his headless body fell down the ground, spurting blood into the air like a geyser.

"I want you to clean this entire mansion, leave none of them alive." Mikhail coldly ordered the Imperial knights behind with frightening killing intent in his eyes.

"As you command, 13th Imperial Prince your Highness." Simultaneously answered the imperial knights as they acknowledged Mikhail before they unsheathed their weapons and pounced towards Count Bertrand's knights.

In less than a few seconds, numerous screams resounded inside the mansion as the Imperial Knights were slaughtering Count Bertrand's people.

After knowing that the 13th Imperial Prince was almost assassinated last night under their watch, they were all ashamed and felt greatly humiliated.

And knowing that Count mansion was behind it, they unleashed all their rages upon his people after hearing Mikhail's order. It was a way to redeem themselves.

'This crazy bastard.' Handal yelled out inwardly as he was looking at the one-side massacred in front of him.

At this moment, he was full of regrets. If he knew that bastard was going to react that way, he wouldn't have been so bold. Now, he had lost a powerful supporter for nothing.

At the same time, he felt that Vandal had changed. He suddenly became more overbearing.

The old Vandal wouldn't react that way. Without any Iron Clad evidence, he wouldn't have ordered the slaughter of the Count's family.

'This is just the beginning dear brother. I'm going to toy with you until you go mad.' Mikhail inwardly thought as he was looking at Handal with a devious smile on his face.

[Congratulations! You have partially unsealed the Unique Skill of the Demon God Ira: Breath of the Ultimate Void Dragon]

[Breath of the Void Dragon: The strongest breath of the strongest dragon that ever lived. It was a Unique Skill that allowed the user to burn and incinerate everything in its wake]

[This Unique Skill will grow more powerful as the user get stronger]

[Current Progress: 0:10%]

'Ohh shit! It seems like I just partially unseal another Demon God Unique Skill.' Mikhail yelled out inwardly with a surprised and exciting expression on his face.