Ramiel’s Next Opponent

After the 7th Imperial Prince Johann was carried out of the arena by the Imperial Knights, there was only Ramiel left in the arena as Bishop Gerald had also gone back to his initial seat.

According to the rule of the competition, the winner of each battle would remain and continued to challenge more opponents until he's defeated.

As such, the entire main hall became quiet like a serene pond, a scene of deathly stillness as they were all waiting for Ramiel to choose his next opponent.

Meanwhile, the young competitors from the high-ranking noble families of the Helios Empire were scared out of their minds after witnessing Ramiel's overwhelming power.

They didn't even dare breathe loudly as they were afraid of drawing Ramiel's attention. None of them wanted to be chosen. They already knew they weren't his match as such they were all playing it safe.

Only a handful of people didn't seem to care about Ramiel such as the young High Elves, Dark Elves, and the Demi-Humans' competitors. They all looked calm and confident.

That was even more true for the young High Elves and Dark Elves. They had this look of loftiness in their eyes. It was as if before their eyes, Ramiel and everyone within the main hall were all inferior beings.

'It seems like that little guy has managed to frighten those little puppies.' Mikhail inwardly thought as he was looking at the expression of his siblings.

Out of all the Imperial Princes, the 1st Imperial Prince was the strongest with a 7-Star Aura Knight cultivation base.

However, just like the 7th Imperial Prince, he didn't have any real battle experience. None of them have any real battle experience, even Handal who came from a military family.

As they were all fighting for the seat of the Crown Prince, they only cared about politics, scheme, and building up their power, etc.

It was also one of the reasons that the Emperor favored Vandal. Unlike his other children, Vandal believed in his strength rather than hiding behind the powers of his subordinates. He was the only one that was following his footstep.

The Emperor believed that the person to lead the Empire must be stronger than anyone else and must be able to make the best judgment without wavering at all times.

Unfortunately, Vandal didn't have any ambition of becoming the next Emperor which kinda saddened and disappointed him at the same time.

Meanwhile, Ramiel just stood there in a crooked posture and had a look of contempt on his face as he was looking at the right side of the Arena where the Imperial princes and the young competitors of the Helios Empire were standing.

One could tell that he was targeting the people from the Helios Empire as he didn't even glance at the people from either the Baruth Empire, the Atlante Empire, and the other small kingdoms.

Ramiel could also sense the fear in the eyes of the young competitors from the Helios Empire as most of them didn't even dare to meet his gaze.

As such, he proceeded on torturing them by intensely staring at them one by one like a venomous snake stalking his prey. He was enjoying it.

Almost all of them could feel cold sweat dripping down their backs as Ramiel's vicious gaze landed on them. Some of them lowered their heads and didn't dare to meet his eyes

None of them wanted to have their prestige and fame go down the drain after being humiliated by Ramiel just like the 7th Imperial Prince.

Seeing this scene, Bishop Gerald had a slight smile on his face. His main purpose for suggesting the competition was to humiliate the Helios Empire's Imperial Family in front of the foreign diplomats.

And so far, everything was going great. He could already see the look of disappointment on the high-ranking nobles as well as the foreign diplomats' faces as they were looking at the young competitors of the Helios Empire that were cowering in fear by the mere gaze of Ramiel.

These people were all the future rulers and lords of the Helios Empire. Some of them would become Duke, Marquis, Count, and Viscount in the future after inheriting the titles of their parents.

Yet, they didn't have the ball or the gut to stand their ground. At this moment, it wasn't about winning or losing anymore, it was about dignity.

Even if one were to suffer a crushing defeat, one should never lose one's noble dignity and the will to fight.

Meanwhile, from time to time, Bishop Gerald would take a quick look at the Emperor to see his reaction. However, the emperor was still calm as always.

It was as if he wasn't the least bit affected by the crushing defeat of the 7th Imperial Prince or the disappointing and shameful attitude of the young competitors from the Helios Empire.

'We'll see how long you can keep that straight face' Bishop Gerald inwardly thought before shifting his gaze on Ramiel who was still toying with the people from the Helios Empire.

As Ramiel was scanning each one of the Helios Empire's competitors with his venomous gaze, his eyes finally landed on Mikhail.

At the same time, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Unlike the other Imperial Princes, this Imperial Prince looked extremely calm and composed. He was devoid of fear and anxiety.

What was even more surprising, he didn't avert his gaze while he was looking at him. Instead, he had a smirk on his face which kinda infatuated him.

'So, that's the Mad Prince.'

Even though Ramiel did not know the names of all the Imperial Princes of the Helios Empire, he knew about the 1st Imperial Prince and the 13th Imperial Prince as they were on top of the list of people he should humiliate.

'I was going to save you for last along with the 1st Imperial Prince just like the Bishop had instructed, but that smirk and arrogant look on your face just push you up into the list.'

"You must be the one known as the Mad Prince, why don't come to play with me a little." Said Ramiel with a sinister smile on his face as he pointed at Mikhail with his right index finger.

"Sure, if you want. I can entertain you a little bit."Hurriedly answered Mikhail nonchalantly as he jumped into the stage before Ramiel's voice could even fade away.