The Aftermath

In a blink of an eye, two days have passed since the 13th Imperial Prince had thoroughly cleaned out and mercilessly slaughtered all the Ether Church spies within the Imperial Palace.

During these two days, the news of what happened circulated throughout the whole Imperial Capital and soon spread across the Hyperion Empire like a raging wildfire, startling countless people.

Whether it was regular commoners or powerful nobles, everyone was shocked and dumbfounded after hearing that news. Their mouths were wide open from shock.

At the same time, many of them were also surprised by just how many Ether Church spies were able to infiltrate a place such as the Imperial Palace of the Hyperion Empire.

The Imperial Palace was known as the most secure and strict location throughout the whole Hyperion Empire.

Not only it was the residence of the most powerful and noble family throughout the whole Hyperion Empire, but it was also the residence of Michael Zahid Hyperion, the ruler of the Hyperion Empire.

Almost everyone working in the palace came from a noble family. Furthermore, not only an intensive background check was conducted for everyone working in the palace, but it was also revised and redone annually.

As such, one could imagine why many people were shocked by the sheer number of Ether Church Followers that were able to infiltrate such a place.

At this moment, people couldn't but wonder. If the Ether Church Followers were able to infiltrate such a secure and strict location as the Imperial Palace, just how many places and noble houses they have infiltrated.

How far they have stretched their claws. Just thinking about that gave many people the chill.

This unfortunate event made them realize that the Ether Church was even more terrifying than they have imagined.

Aside from that, many people were also amazed and astonished by the 13th Imperial Prince's prowess.

These people have been hiding within the Imperial Palace for decades without being discovered, yet they were all smoked out and slaughtered in just a single day by the 13th Imperial Prince.

Just how amazing was this!

According to the witnesses, they were like fishes on the chopping board. None of them were able to escape the 13th Imperial Prince's grasp.

It was as if the 13th Imperial Prince had some sort of magical power that allowed him to identify them.

Until two days ago, it was the original belief in this world that no one could identify an Ether Church follower unless he revealed himself. However, that myth was broken by the 13th Imperial Prince.

There has never been such large-scale purging of Ether Church follower spies before in the Hyperion Empire.

The 13th Imperial Prince became famous overnight after this event. His name resounded everywhere in a short period of time with a thunderous magnitude no less than tales of the current Emperor of the Hyperion Empire himself.

"The 13th Imperial Prince is the pride of our Hyperion Empire!" Praised many people.

Not only he had saved the honor of the Imperial Family by defeating the arrogant Holy Son of the Luminas Empire, he even got rid of those damn Ether Church followers' spies that have been hiding in the Imperial Palace for years.

To make matter worse, the agreement between the 13th Imperial prince and the Emperor was made public as well which caused a huge commotion.

He became a hot topic throughout the whole Hyperion Empire. Everyone was talking about him. One could hear about him from one end of the street to the other.

Many people were cheering for him and hoped that he could eradicate all the Ether Church Followers within the Hyperion Empire while others still believed that it was a hopeless mission.

Nonetheless, despite the many opposing views, the entire Hyperion Empire was seething with excitement at the moment as they were waiting for the 13th Imperial Prince's next move.


Inside the imperial palace of the Hyperion Empire, Emperor Michael Zahid Hyperion sat calmly on his majestic throne chair while listening to Martin's reports.

Martin had a solemn and disbelief expression on his face as he was giving his reports to the emperor.

It was as if he himself couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.

Meanwhile, the emperor didn't stay anything as he sat there and attentively listened to Martin.

From time to time, his expression would change. Though it was very brief, any observant person would be able to see it.

Sometimes, he would look chock and astonished while other times he would look pensive.

"That's it for my report, your majesty."Martin respectfully said as he concluded his report.

"I see."The Emperor remained silent for a moment before he spoke calmly.

At the same time, the hint of shock and pensive expression that appeared previously on his face had disappeared. He became aloof once again.

"I can understand why you would believe that the 13th Imperial Prince has the power to identify the Ether Church Followers."

"I also came with the same conclusion as well but it's too early to jump into conclusion. Let's observe him a little more." The Emperor calmly said.

This statement would sound outrageous in the past, but a general sense of acceptance had pervaded the emperor after knowing what happened in the main hall two days ago.

Just like the rest of the populace, the emperor was also shocked and astonished by the 13th Imperial Prince's skills.

He has accomplished something that none of his siblings could, even himself the emperor. This event also made him want the 13th Imperial Prince to succeed him even more.

He also realized that giving him that mission might have been the wisest decision he made. Who knew that bastard would give him such a big surprise.

At the same time, he was also low-key enraged by how brazen these people were.

He couldn't believe these many Ether Church followers were able to infiltrate his palace despite his harsh and strict clearing. It was extremely humiliating for him.

Even though the 13th Imperial Prince has promised to spare the family spies, he has ordered his people to brutally slaughter their entire family and hang them to quell his anger.

He wanted to make an example out of them. He wanted to let them know what would happen to those who dare to infiltrate his palace.

"Did the 13th Imperial say when he's going to make his next move and also his next target?" The emperor suddenly asked.

"He hasn't said anything yet. So far, he's been locking himself in the basement of his palace trying to find a method to awaken the Heart Devouring Parasite while they are still deep asleep in their host's body."

"He said that if it could find a way to awaken them, he wouldn't have to travel around the whole Empire to kill those bastards himself as it was too tiring."

"According to him, it's nearly impossible for anyone to detect the Heart Devouring Parasite within someone's body which was why he didn't even bother to look for one."

"However, it was possible to awaken the Heart Devouring Parasite while they were still asleep. He was also pretty sure that the high-level member of the Ether Church Followers knew that method as well."

"If he said that he could find that method, he would be the end of the of the Ether Church as he would make it public, make it easy for anyone to identify and kill the Ether Church followers." Explained Martin.

"I see! Anyway, keep a close watch on him and make sure to follow him everywhere. If he's in life-threatening danger, I give you the permission to unseal your power and protect him." Solemnly ordered the emperor.