The other side

"Mr. Watson... "Lucas's voice echoed the meeting hall turning everyone's eyes to the person.

Shocked by the sudden calling, he looked up at Lucas.

"S-s-sir.. "he whispered.

Lucas has been finding the mole behind the scenes, not letting anyone get suspicious about his investigation. He thought everyone working with him was truthful enough to trust, but this one person in front of him was not only stealing the information but also earning money from selling it.

"Mr. Watson... this project was handled by you right? he questioned.

" Y-yes s-sir.. "he answered without looking at him.

" So you might be knowing about every update of the project right? the records must be with you..? he questioned again.

" Y-yes s-sir.. "he said wiping the sweat buds that formed on his forehead.

Lucas was waiting for him to surrender for his doing, but this person in front of him was think head, who was testing his patience.

" Mr. Watson.., may I know where were you two days ago?" this was the last string of his patience, and he wanted him to speak.

Thinking of surrendering would be the best option, so he would face fewer consequences. Everyone here was aware of Lucas's anger, behind his sweet and smiling face there was a demon who wouldn't spare anyone who backstab him. And Watson was well aware of it also.

His hunger for money and position made him so greedy that even knowing about the consequences he did the mistake. If it was a small one, he would have let him go but his mistake was not so small which would make Lucas spare him.

Falling on his knees Watson started begging Lucas to show some mercy," Sorry sir... sorry I was blinded by my greed, sir please just one chance.... please.... "he started begging by folding his hands.

Lucas sat on his seat like a king watching Watson falling on his knees and pleading with him.

" You know very well Watson, I forgive only two times if the mistake is small, but if its a sin I won't spare a glance" the statement was short but the words were deadly to make the person scared to death.

" Ron..... get this shit out of the office, make sure he won't get a notice by any company, file a case of breaching the company contract and misleading their data" pausing for a second he said again" And yes, also call the income tax department for raid" saying this he stood up and left the meeting hall.

Everyone in the hall was left speechless, only Mr. Watson's cries were heard. His career had come to an end and the reason for it was none other than the devil himself Lucas Thomson.

Master Blake who was witnessing everything was proud of his son, no doubt his company was in safe hands. Both father and son were merciless people when it come to backstabbing and misleading them in any way. As their business grew they made many partners and rivals too. Some of them were very well aware of how the duo worked and never tried to anger them in any way.

"Rosie, your son has grown as a fine businessman... " closing his eyes he thought remembering his late wife.




Walking towards his son's cabin Blake entered in.

"You bloody rascal... where were you yesterday....! he shouted making Lucas flinch in surprise.

"Who will say this man is getting old," he said inwardly and smiled at his father.

" D-dad... w-when did you come? " he said faking a smile.

"You stupid brat, stop with your stupid smile" he yelled louder this time making him close his mouth or else he wouldn't back from breaking his well-polished teeth.

Master Blake was very well aware of his son's character, he would always be on news channels and magazines, famous for having girls surrounded by his side. Warning his son to stop fooling around and be serious about relationships, but he would brush him off saying that only a fool would settle with one person when they have plenty of fish to taste.

"Stop fooling around son, and get serious in life" this was the millionth time he said.

"What are you talking about dad," he asked even when he knew what he was talking about

"You... brat, you know what I am talking about," he said smacking his head.

"Okay.. okay I get it, I get it... stop with your angry face you are scaring me" he said smiling like a fool.

His dad wanted him to be serious in one relationship and get settled down, Lucas was only twenty-eight and he wanted to be a free bird rather than getting caged in a relationship.

"Dad you are so boring when you have plenty of beauty outside why settle for one," he said again brushing his words.

" Son, you may have plenty of beauties, but they are only after your looks and money, no one is genuine you must know by now," he said sipping his tea.

"You know son, love is the purest feeling which one experiences in their life, a beautiful feeling which gets the best out of you" pausing for a while as his eyebrows frowned, he continued "And also the worst," he said.

" You loved mom so much dad? " he said looking at his father.

Lucas lost his mother at the age of fifteen, she was his only friend with whom he would share everything from his good to bad days. After her death, he made himself busy with his studies and flirting. He had no one to share about his life, he missed his mom a lot. He had seen his father spending days alone in his room watching his mother's photos and talking to her. He had seen his father missing his wife terribly and crying silently.

"Yes son, I even miss her now," he said smiling thinking about his wife.

Lucas never wanted to be left alone. just like his father.

Loneliness was the last thing he needed in his life, watching his father spending days in his mother's memories, he never want that for him. Yes, his father was right to love bringing the best and the worst from the person, and he never wanted to go through it. That's why he never wanted to enter into a relationship and give his all and then be left alone to suffer. He never wanted to open his heart to anyone.

"That's why I never want to fall in love and then be left alone with the memories, burning you from inside..... " he said looking into his father's eyes.

"But what will you do if you find someone who will make this heart of yours beat?" he said lifting his eyebrow.

" That's not going to happen any time soon dad, my heart is void of any feeling, "he said confidently.

" Let's see son, let's see when you will find your other half, do come to me for getting helped in courting her," he said getting up and was about to leave the cabin when stopped to listen to his son's sarcastic laugh.

"It will never happen, dad.... " he said loud enough for his father to hear.

Turning back he said" Let's see son, the feeling of love is something which comes unexpectedly, and don't worry you have me, come to me when you need help" saying this he left.

Lucas kept looking at the closed door, his father's words were like a story that he kept repeating to him every time they met.

"Love.... " he smirked remembering his father's words.




Lucas was busy working when he thought of the morning incident. The scene was so vividly playing in his mind that he could feel her boobs touching his chest. They were so soft that he wanted to touch them," They can easily fit in my palm" he said thinking about her breast. Placing his hand on his chest he was feeling the presence of her touch.

"Can't wait for you Miss Carter, those lips are mine to taste... " she said smiling thinking of the rosy lips.




Somewhere near her apartment, Elena sneezed loudly, "Who is thinking of me?".