Sweet one

She pulled back and cupped his face giving a kiss on his forehead. After her husband death she only had him. There were days, when she couldn't even had money for his studies but he never complained, rather he helped her in getting her shop to be known by selling pamphlets in their area.

He was a bright student and always had good grades. After him being accused for the crime he didn't do, Ethan distanced himself from everyone even from his mother. He felt that he disappointed her even though, that was not the case but, still he blamed himself for getting his gaurds down.

"Sorry that will not happen again mom....if you want you can beat me at home but not here please...." he looked around and saw people in the shop watching them.

"Okay...but prepare yourself for that" she said and turn her head, when she saw a girl who was looking at them ,"Is she the friend you said would come with you? " she whispered.