Meet in person

Elena came to her room and sat on her bed absentmindedly. She was still not able to digest the fact that her parents didn't argue with her when she said she was dating the world's famous playboy.

How was that suppose to happen, when she was ready to face a war with her parents if they would've not accept her love. But that turn out to be the other way, her mother was happy for her and her father didn't show any anger on finding who was the man she came with and who was he known for.

"How can that happen?" she kept thinking, not able to get that her over protective father who wouldn't let her talk with any boy and would always tell her mother that he would not even go easy on the man whom his daughter would fall for. If he happens to mistreat her in any way he would show him the road to hell.

"Is there something that I don't know?" she thought when her mother came in to her room only finding her busy in her thoughts.