Hungry Elena

Lucas threw Elena on the bed in a swift, removing the suit his eyes where burning with desire looking at her like a hungry beast. Elena gulped at his sight, as he slowly came up to her like a hungry lion.

"Lucas I was j-just teasing" she stammered.

"Sunshine.. you are getting naughty "he said as he slowly hovered her body.

"Lucas..."she kept her palm on his chest slightly pushing him as his body weight was making her burry in the bed.

"Sunshine you have woken the beast, now I can't help" he said kissing her cheeks slowly inhaling her toxic scent.

"You will my death one day sunshine..." he muttered looking at her lovingly.

The lustful eyes where now showing his tender love for her. He was helplessly looking at her making her feel his emotions whenever he was close to her

"How should I control myself in front of you Sunshine" he pleaded resting his forehead on hers.