Missed so much

Two days later Elena was discharge from the hospital after her final test. Her legs tissue were good and she didn't needed any walker to walk. After discussing the necessary things with doctor, Lucas took her back home.

Blake rushed back from his trip after Lucas informed him about Elena's accident. He went straight to the Carter house and waited for their arrival. 

Reaching her house, Lucas helped her in getting out from the car and supported her in taking slow steps. 

Blake had tears welled in his eyes after watching her bandage body. He have never seen her so weak. She was just a happy girl who would eat his brain asking him stupid question. But today seeing her like this he couldn't help but felt bad for her.

Making her sit on the couch, Lucas took the seat next to her. Henry went inside to fetch water for them.

"How is my baby girl?" Blake asked in concern.

"How do I look?" she said with her as usual with her smiling face.