Just a little

[Mature Content]

Carrying her in his arms, Lucas went to his private room. Informing Ron not to allow anyone in his cabin, he locked the door. He had been holding for too long and now he just can't wait.

Making her lay on the bed, he went on top of her covering her petite body with his masculine one. Removing his suit, he threw it on the floor and took her lips. Lucas made sure not touch her wound and be careful not harming her there.

He kept devouring her mouth moving his tongue on every corner of it while his hand went removing the button of her shirt. In a minute Elena was left only on her red inner ware exposing her white skin.

Unbutton his shirt, Elena made him shirtless following his steps. Both were immersed in the moment and were driven by the passion they had for each other. Their mouth never left one another and their hands kept moving all over their body.