Self destruction

Marcus fell on the ground as he was shot on left knee by Henry. The cop have been keeping an track on him and they luckily got hold on him when they saw his car passing by Rosie's mansion.

Henry along with the cops had reach the place where Marcus was but were unaware of anything that happened there.

"You son of a bit*h.. I will kill everyone of you..." Marcus tried to stand up but again landed on the ground when the cops shot another bullet on his right legs.

"You are under arrest Marcus.. don't try to move or else we will have to shoot you again" Henry took his steady steps where Marcus had fallen but to his shock he saw Lucas fallen unconscious not to far away from him.

Henry was trying to understand what happened there and why is Lucas here when Marcus words shock him to the bones," Rosie left me..."he cried smacking his head on the ground like a mad man...

"Arrest him" Henry shouted calling two cops and asked them to handcuff him.