Drunk Lucas

"Sunshine... you're bad" he let go of her hold and turn to walk upstairs but stumbled on the very first step itself.

Elena folded her hands and stood there watching her husband to see even if he was actually keeping his foot on steps or ground. She wanted to laugh at his drunkard state, his always calculated steps were stumbling not even keeping him stand straight.

Shaking her head, she walked and held his arms circling around her shoulder. She couldn't see him fall on his face and hurt himself.

"I will not talk with you" his grumpy face was all red due to the excess of drinks he had in his system. He was barely able to keep his eyes open.

Managing to take him in his room she made him sit on the bed. Locking the door, she came back to see him staring her as if he was watching her every action.

Lucas was grinning watching her, he was happy to have her with him. Elena creased her brows in amusement looking his grin.