Angel from past

Lucas opened his eyes from the long dream he had, only to find him on the bed with his Sunshine resting on him. Looking down on her sleeping face, Lucas felt tearing up as he recalled where he had seen her angelic smile," It's you" he whispered as a tear rolled down his eyes.

Embracing her, he felt happy to know she was again the one who had pulled him out from the darkness but it way too before even he meet her.

"My sunshine.. you have always been my light even before I fell for you" his tears couldn't stop flowing because his heart was overwhelmed with the emotion which filled it with happiness.

"I couldn't ask for more.. thank you for always being with me knowingly or unknowingly" kissing her head he engulfed her in his strong embrace.

Now he understood why he felt so connected to her, why was he always so eager to find her, why he always felt bad whenever he saw her cry... the answer was only one, his heart had remembered her even before he could.