No hide and seek

Entering the private dinning room, Lucas and Elena saw the other two couples waiting for their arrival. Elena smiled and walked to meet the girls as she haven't seen them after informing about her marriage.

Walking to the boys, Lucas took the seat next to his brother who was sitting with his gloomy face.

"What happened to my smart brother... did some one stole your kidney?" Lucas loved teasing him but today his always cheerful and excited brother was just sitting silent without uttering a single word.

"He is like this for god knows how many minutes" Ethan was tired asking him to speak but the sour face didn't lighten up. From the time they had arrived, Ethan only saw him sulking and looking at Maira every now and then, but the girl didn't glance at him.

Daniel shot a glance at Ethan and then at his brother when his gloomy face finally crack as he pout his face opening his mouth to speak," I met her ex..." he said making a crying face.