Fierce wife

Lucas stirred in his sleep, rolling on the bed because of the headache he was having due to the drink he had taken. Elena was watching her husband cry in pain but still kept looking at him without helping him out.

This man had not stop his wild activity the whole night, who would have thought that the drug in his system was the reason for his uncontrol side.

"Sunshine.. my head pains" he whine and sat on the bed resting his head on the headboard. He needed medicine to soothe his pain which was making things horrible. He felt like he was about to puke.

Elena shook her head and went to take medicine from the closet and came back to the room. She poured a glass of water and passed him the medicine. Taking it from her hand he gulped it in one go.

Lucas had no memory of what had happened to him after he was drug, but he had little blur vision where he had seen Natasha trying to take advantage of his drunk state.