Spy girls

Lucas was standing in front of Ethan looking at him intently. From the time he had informed him about Cynthia being followed by a certain person, he couldn't wait to see what else was needed to be seen.

Sitting inside his cabin, Ethan showed him the footage their guards had mailed him, but the problem was the man had his back face at them and his face was not visible.

Both watched the video looking how the man was following her everywhere and only left when she would reach home.

"Stop here.." Lucas said. Following his words Ethan paused the video.

"Zoom it for me" he said and Ethan again did what Lucas said.

"This ring in his ear... I think I've seen it somewhere?" he looked at the paused picture which only showed the back of the man but the thing which caught his eyes where the round silver ring which sparkled in the video.

"Where?" Ethan asked as he looked back and forth to have a clear view.