Wild action

Lucas had been restraining from last night and Elena had seen how he was struggling to not pounce on her. But now that she was fine and was able to move her hands she thought about not letting him wait too long. She was confident that Lucas would not harm her even if they make wild love.

As soon as her world spill out Lucas lifted his upper body supporting by his elbow and looked at his naked wife. God had surely taken his time when he decided to put every curve on her body on the right place. 

Her dreamy eyes sparkled with hope and she was looking like a seductive queen who was sitting on him and pleading. 

"Are you sure you want to do it?" he asked knowing that she was still wrapped with bandage and if he dare to touch her forcefully her wounds would open again.

Elena was much more sure and she wanted to do it. Leaning down she sealed his lips and said," I am craving for you Lucas"