Trip begin

The next day, Lucas woke up early. He knew they had to get into the early flight. Though it was his private plane they had to travel for fives hours and reach the place as soon as possible.

"Sunshine wake up" he had been waking her up but his wife was not ready to listen to him. 

Lucas knew she was tired due to previous day shopping and even knowing that he still made love to her tiring her completely.

"Lucas five minutes" she was listening him but her body was not ready to move and all thanks to him.

"Sunshine we need to take the flight love. If you want you can sleep there" he said brushing her cheeks pleading her to wake up or else they would be late.

Slowly opening her eyes Elena watched her husband's face and a smile formed on her lips. She open her arms wide and asked him to carry her. Like a slave he was Lucas carried her to the bathroom and they both bathe together.