[Bonus chapter]Two bundles of joy

After the dinner Elena and Lucas headed back to the mansion. It was already late and he didn't wanted Elena to exhaust more but rather take rest.

Reaching at the main gate of their mansion one of the security guard opened the gate and the car moved in. Hiding away far from them one car stopped at a certain distance where no one would catch it and retreated back slowly after the car went inside.

Lucas and Elena headed upstairs inside their room and got changed. Their day went beautiful as they got two good news to enjoy for.

Walking to their closet Lucas looked out for the nightgown Elena would wear.

Propping his head out he voiced," Sunshine what will you wear now" this had been his routine now a days. He would make sure to not let Elena do any work which had more movements.

He waited for her to answer him but all he got in return was silence. Closing the door he walked back to their bedroom only to find his wife sleeping on the couch.