Tools getting rust

Lucas had been dying to touch his own wife but because of Daniels warning he didn't dare to lay a finger on her. He was acting like a monk trying to suppress his wild desire but all his resolve broke when she herself initiated the seductive game. 

While he was busy kissing her like a starving man he heard her moan which snapped opened his eyes and he pulled back in an instant. 

Confused by his sudden retreat Elena felt a pang and she looked at him with sad eyes. Her mood swing were on cloud nine these days and now even a small wrong step from him would make her emotion stir. 

Lucas by now was able to guess his wife's mood and before she could cry loud he took his phone out and made a call to his brother.

The ring went on for a minute when the person finally answered," Hi .. brother what's up???" Daniel was panting while he spoke but Lucas was not concern about him as his wife teary face was in front of his eyes.