Don't remind me of him

Marcus was aging and Lucas knew how an old man easily loose his cool if provoked. He was just a normal oldy who was experiencing his aging life.

"Tsk.. I really feel bad for you because you took her friendship in a wrong way" Lucas had always seen his grandfather longing to meet his elder son but every time his resolve melted down he was reminded about his crime. 

Even in his last moment he had asked Marcus to come and meet him for one last time but this bastard didn't even cry a drop and stuck on his ego. Lucas still couldn't understand why was his grandfather such a nice human who even bend down his own pride and ego for a step son.

Marcus felt his blood boil and he storm towards Lucas and kicked him in his stomach. Though he was in his fifty's still the man was no less in fight. His hard kick made Lucas puke blood but still he didn't show his pain and tried to keep strong.