You want me to propose you

His eyes started to well up when his foot step stopped in front of a particular room and he peek inside through the small glass window.

"Sunshine.." his breathing was unsteady and he quickly opened the door rushing inside only to find her sleeping.

Elena was sleeping on the hospital bed and an IV drip was inserted on the back of her palm. The beeping machine placed next to the drip stand moved up and down showing her heartbeat and pulse.

Lucas felt like his devastated world was finally regaining back it's life watching his wife in front of his eyes.

'But what happened to her' he thought as he reached next to the bed.

He took steady step and sat on the chair next to her bed. Holding on his stomach he settled down and reached his hand to hold her. The fear he was feeling a moment ago was gone now that he had seen Elena.

"Sunshine" he called her name softly while his thumb brushed the back of her palm.