What's with your face

Inside the cozy apartment Lingaa and Cynthia were cuddling next to each other. After settling everything in the base, he headed back home.

Making sure that Elena and Lucas were fine he breathe a sigh of relief. He didn't knew what would have happened to Elena if something had happen to Lucas. It was god's grace that Ethan arrived on time with his team and Lucas was taken back.

"Are you still thinking about whatever happen back then?" Cynthia watched him spacing out.

He had told her everything that happened, when he went to blast the place but luckily Aksa's message stopped him to doing such a big mistake. If not for Aksa's warning he would've blast the entire place along with Elena and Lucas inside.

"I thought I had everything under my control not until the moment Marcus stood up pointing the gun at Elena" Lingaa closed his eyes as he recall the scene and sighed.