Angel lady

Opening the gigantic gate, a car moved inside the property and stopped right in front of the huge mansion.

Raina walked out licking her fingers and wiped her lips which had little ice cream stain. Happy with the dessert she smiled and entered inside the mansion.

"Brother..." she shouted and ran towards the man who was sitting in the living area reading something. 

Listening her cheerful voice Zander turned and kept the file aside getting up. He smiled looking at his sister who came running towards him and widen her arms to hug but stopped the mid way.

"No.. no hugs my hands are dirty see" she showed him her sticky hands and pouted making him smile.

Raina was Zander's younger sister who was suffering from a trauma which affected her mind so much making her forget her real age. The impact was too much which couldn't handle and lost her mind making her act like a small kid.