Nice location.

Maira and Elena were busy making the breakfast for them. As decided they were going to spend the whole day together.

"I wished even Samantha and Ethan were also there with us" Elena said.

They had always been together and now she missed them being here in this city.

"You are right it has been days I called Samantha. She seems to be very busy" Maira said taking out the toasted bread and placed them on the plate.

"Lucas was telling Ethan also had been working on one project which they were suppose to launch soon" Elena said.

Lucas had always been in contact with Ethan because her husband would not be at rest until he talks to him.

They walked out from the kitchen space and watched both the men sitting on the couch and talking something in whispers.

  "What are you both talking in whispers" Maira asked and both of them turned silent.

Giving each other a serious glare they both smiled," Nothing just about work" Daniel said.