Time to meet my rival

"How is she?" Julian asked after finished teasing the couple.

"She is fine but still in shock with the accident. Daniel as put her on medication, he said she will be better soon" Lingaa told them everything.

Walking to Cynthia who seemed to be more tired, Julian sat next to her and said," Don't worry, she will be fine soon she just need sometime"

Cynthia nodded her head and glance at her mother who was sleeping peacefully.

"Did you find who was the driver who drove the truck" Henry asked.

Lingaa had made a call to Aksa asking him to look after the matter as he was more needed here in the hospital. It had been more than one hour yet he didn't receive any details from him.

"I have asked Aksa to look into the matter" he said and Henry nodded his head when he got a meaningful look from Lingaa.

While they were busy talking about the accident outside the hospital Harry hopped into his car and drove away from there.