What are you two doing here

Zander narrowed his eyes on Raina as he observed her purse her lips. She was the naughtiest inside the house and would always trouble the housekeepers by hiding inside the house giving them trouble.

Raina always wanted to go out and make friends just like every other child does but whenever she would go out with her nanny to the park or any group where children played they would laugh at her and bully her. At first she thought it was how they played but then every time it would be the same but still she wanted to go out and have a normal life rather than staying inside the house with all these people around.

Looking up at her brothers constant stare she turned and ran upstairs to her room. She didn't wanted her brother to know why she agreed to him so easily.

Watching her run away Zander shook his head with a smile curved on his lips and turn only to find the guard still standing there.