Heartless parents

Daniel froze the moment his eyes turned to look at him. The eyes that were fierce and restless looked at him for a while and then turn back again.

It was not the first time he had seen it. The first time when he woke up after he was admitted Daniel had tried to talk with him about how he was feeling but the boy remained shut and never once open his mouth. He was so silent that he didn't even bother to answer his parents.

"I guess you don't like the taste of the food" Daniel smiled and walked carefully not stamping the food down on the floor and reached towards his bed.

Sabastian didn't look at him as if he was purposely behaving like he had not heard him but that didn't stopped Daniel to pester that child.

"Even I don't like the bland food of the hospital canteen they all taste greasy" smiling he checked his reports which he had in his hand and then turned to check the patient.