Where is she?

Inside the huge hospital room, Sabastian sat on the bed with his eyes looking out from the window. There was no glint of shine in them as if they had lost all the hope to live. The blank eyes stared outside the window into a particular direction not knowing when the door of his room opened and Rachael walked in.

"Sabastian look what have mother brought for you" she walked in with a smile carrying the bag of homemade food.

Last night Daniel had called her informing about Sabastian not eating the food provided by the hospital so he asked her if she can managed to bring him homemade food.

As soon as he heard her mother's voice his body stiffen. His hand clenched into fist as he held the helm of his hospital clothes. His eyes laid focus out as he didn't dare to look at his mother.

Rachael walked and sat on the chair next to his bed. Removing the food from the bad she placed them on the small table and turned to look at him.