Wants to get closer to me

Ethan entered Samantha's cabin and watched her working on something. His anger had still not dissipated from the morning. He couldn't believe Samantha would let Laila use their bathroom when she knew even he share the same room with her.

As soon as she saw him enter the cabin she excused her assistant and turned to look at him with a wide smile.

"Did you ask Laila to use our bathroom" his question dropped her smile.

She thought maybe he had been missing her and that was the reason for him to come and meet her but she was wrong.

"Yes" she answered.

Ethan stared at Samantha in disbelief as he couldn't believe she was the one who send her.

"But she rejected saying it wasn't convenient to use someone else's room as she knew even you would be present there" her answer made Ethan shocked.

"So I had asked the maid to bring the plumber and fix her shower" she continued.