How come you know

Ethan drove his car back to the mansion in hustle as he was very much furious with the latest news he discovered about Laila. As soon as he found something suspicious about her behavior he couldn't help but think that he intentions while staying with them was not right.

He could clearly tell by her actions that she was trying to seduce him when she walked out from the bathroom wrapping only a towel around her. The way she looked at him didn't show that she was embarrassed by his sudden entry instead of turning around she stood facing him without any sign of shyness within her.

As soon as he had walked out from Samantha's cabin he made a call to one of his hacker friend and asked him to tamper the surveillance cameras around her residence. He wanted to go through the root to find out what was exactly happened to her.

She had told the cops that the camera on her floor was not working so he asked him to restore it somehow.