Cooperate with us

By the time Elena woke up it was evening. As soon as she opened her eyes the first person whom she saw was Lucas as he sat next to her with his eyes looking at her with joy.

"I scared you again right" she as reaching her hand to cup his face,

Lucas who saw her struggle to reach him moved down and held her hand placing it on his face. He didn't say anything but the restless eyes of his told her that he was scared to death.

She so wanted to scold her kids but the weren't there to listen her rant. She would do that once they came out and she was going to make sure to let them know how they scared both their parents to the core. 

Lucas pulled back Elena's hand away from his cheeks and kissed the inside of her palm before looking back at her.

Yes he was scared for her safety that popped up out of nowhere but now he was feeling better to see her smile and talk to him. He was good if she was better.