No more hiding

Rachael walked out from the hospital as soon as possible so no one would watch her. She entered into the cab she had booked to get there as she didn't wanted any of her husbands spy catch her.

She pulled off the scarf that she used to cover her face and looked out from the window. The man she saw outside Daniel's office how can she forget him.

She covered her mouth trying to suppress her sob that wanted to come out. Out of all these years she had to meet him and learn that he was the doctor who was appointed to treat her... their son.

"No I couldn't let him find anything about it. If he learns about Sabastian then Japer wouldn't hold back to kill her son" Rachael couldn't forget the man who was the biological father of her son but she can't let him know...

Keeping that in mind she asked the cab driver to take her home...