Who is this person

Rachael's eyes widen when she saw what was Jasper up to and even before he could take a step to her she raised her hand and slapped him hard on his cheeks.

The loud slap sound echoed in the entire room which even shocked Jasper who had his face turned left as his cheek sting in pain.

Rachael took the opportunity of his shocked stature and climbed down the bed running away from there.

Today she didn't wanted to be the victim of his lust and anger because she was tired of being assaulted by her husband who was nothing but a psycho who married her for the money.

He never once treated her as his wife but only his needs satisfying machine. But now she was tired of his constant hate towards her and her child.

Rushing out from the room she ran to the other room and closed the door. She knew her action had already provoke Jasper and he would soon come after her.