What is your name?

After the heated session, Elena and Lucas lay next to each other while Lucas caressed her arm lightly and looked at her.

"I miss being you here as my assistant" Lucas voiced his thoughts and bend down to kiss her.

Elena decided to take a break from her work as she wanted to look after her children. She wanted to be present for her kids while they grew up and Lucas respected her decision.

They pulled back and Elena frowned," I know why you miss me being in the office with you" she slapped his arm playfully, making him laugh.

Elena understood Lucas more than anyone else and she could also guess the meaning being his words. There was no way she was going to return because she knew her husband wasn't satisfied with her sitting ideally and focusing on her work.

Watching him laugh, Elena too broke into a smile joining him. 

"Wait for me. I will finish off my work and then will go to pick the kids" Lucas got and began to dress himself.