Birthday planning

Finally taking a break, the ladies finally decided to eat something before resuming the shopping.

"Phew... It's really tiring" Lingaa who was the only man with them slumped on the chair heaving out a tiring sigh.

"No, it's not. There are so many things we haven't purchased" Julian said and pulled out the list she had made before dragging her son along with them to the shopping mall.

Lingaa never liked to stroll around especially for shopping. He always preferred simple clothing and wasn't picky. So it became easy for Cynthia to buy anything for him. But today he felt like he had done his entire life's shopping in one day.

"Hah! There is even more" he said with his eye wide in shock and looked at Elena who nod her head.

"I shouldn't have agreed in the first place. I regret it now" he muttered pinching the bridge of his nose 

"Did you say something son" Julian who heard him complain asked with a stern face.