Birthday party

Clutching his hand around the wooden box, Lucas heaved out a shaky sigh with his head down. His eyes were tightly closed while he took a few deep breaths to calm his beating heart.

"I... I can't do this, Sunshine" his voice trembled with the lingering fears he had been thrusting deep down his heart and he knew to keep his emotions under control, he had to refuse it.

Closing the box shut, Lucas passed it back to Elena. "I am sorry, I can't" he pleaded through his deep blue eyes expressing his pain, vulnerably.

Lucas knew he wasn't ready to go through the letter his mother wrote for him before his birthday. They had been his precious possession to receive at least one letter from Rose but after she died, Lucas refused to acknowledge them.

He thought going through the same pile of letters would bring back those painful memories and keep him from drowning in the pool of darkness he had to ignore them.