We will do as you say

"So you want me to let them go?" Landon asked, grinning as he glanced at Ryan. The gun in his hand slowly moved down as his laughter increased with every passing second.

Ryan had seldom expressed any feelings before, but seeing Landon giggle tonight made him think of the evil he had seen in those anime cartoons. He had the same voice as them and it made him anxious.

"Although you are as selfless as your father, I am not as good as Lucas to grant your request." Landon's smile faded and he pointed the gun at Ryan, stilling him on his spot.

"He might be selfless for the people he loves, but for me, he is that cruel bastard who only deserves to die," Landon announced.

Ryan swallowed, feeling his knees quiver.

The way Landon treated Anna made it clear that he was not a kind man. So it was useless to even think he would spare them.