ANHS without Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

It was a peaceful night in the prestigious school of Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. No one had any type of stress or tension because they knew that no special exams or term exams will be coming their way for now. At that time, a certain boy in the dorm room 401 was fiddling on his phone and then went to sleep, but little did they know....

The next day, in class 2-C, thirty eight students were present in the class as the bell was about to ring. Some, no, many students were searching for the thirty ninth person who was weirdly enough, not present in the class. What was weird about this was that, this certain student had a clean record of not getting sick nor taking a leave. This was something even he was quite proud off. Many thought that he was sick and decided to pay him a visit but one of them was having a bad feeling since last night. She does not know why, but she felt uneasy not being able to see him. She always felt uneasy when she does not see him but today, it was as if her heart would burst out of her chest.

There was still five minutes to the first homeroom period, so they decided to call him and know what happened. The phone rang, and rang, and rang, and rang, but there was no response from the other side. Thinking he had a fever and was sleeping, they let the matter slide. Everyone was back to normal and the bell finally rang.

Their homeroom teacher, a beautiful lady with long black hair and a stern, no. She did not have a stern look on her face but a look that no one had ever seen on the young lady's face. She looked sad and her eyes showed that she could cry any moment now. The students were worried about their teacher but decided not to say anything. They let their sensei calm down for a moment. After she did, she took a deep death before opening her mouth. Her mouth opened but no sound came out of it. Seeing all this, a certain black haired girl stood up. Her shoulder length hair were properly set and her posture and elegant look was still there but her mind was wandering somewhere else.

"Sensei, if you have to tell us something please do," she said in a calm tone but her voice had some anxiety in it.

The teacher stopped and closed her eyes and then again took a deep breath. This was no time to be emotional, the class had to know what happened. She opened her eyes and started speaking,

"With great regret, we have to inform you that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka of our class..."

She paused as the students gulped. The way she had phrased her words and the amount of weight that those carried showed that this was not a laughing matter but a rather serious one. Many wondered what had happened to the brown hair brown eyed expressionless boy. They thought that he had dropped out or was expelled or had a serious injury or disease but what came from her mouth next was not something anyone could prepare for.

"Was found dead in his dorm room today. It was a silent cardiac arrest in his sleep."

As soon as those words came out of the teacher, there was silence in the room. No one could believe what they just heard. They were so shocked that no voice was heard in the room and even their teacher looked like she was about to breakdown any moment now. Even if she threatened him, as his teacher, she was really hit by the news. The silence was broken by a shaking loud voice from the most unexpected student in the class.

"S-se-sensei, d-d-don't j-j-joke about this," she said.

Her body was trembling and she could barely stand but her voice reverbed in the entire room making everyone come back to their senses. Even after they came back to their senses, they could not say anything. They did not know how to react to this. Should they be shocked? Should they be sad? Or should they think that this was the worst joke in the entire world that had been played on them?

"I am not joking Karuizawa. What kind of teacher am I to be joking at such a sensitive topic?" the sensei said.

As she completed saying that, a loud wailing sound was heard in the entire class. The said girl held her head and was crying her eyes out. Her best friend with magenta hair ran up to her and hugged her while she was crying at the same time. Only she knew in this class except for the two that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and Karuizawa Kei were a couple and Karuizawa loved Ayanokouji with all her heart. Even she loved Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and still did but she was feeling bad for her best friend. She was the one he chose and not her. To her, both loved each other. Karuizawa kept shouting his name again and again. The class had no idea why the gyaru of the class is crying so much for a plain looking guy who is only quick on his feet and a mathematics genius.

Karuizawa could not stop her tears even after what the teacher said, she asked,

"Sensei, please tell me this is a joke. Please! If you say that this is a joke, I will forgive you for playing such a joke on me so please! I am begging you."

The teacher was not able to see her student in such a miserable sight and averted her eyes. Those actions of the teachers confirmed it. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the brown haired brown eyes boy really is dead.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" shouted Karuizawa.

That shout was loud enough to be heard down the entire hallway. While she was breaking down, a certain group in the class was also crying. The girls of the group hugged each other and one of them was about to faint but held up somehow. The boys were sobbing in their places closing their eyes. The sadness was clearly seen on their face, no one expected them to be like this. The person who always held the group together, the person who the group was named after, the person because of which they became friends no longer existed. The boy hit his fist on the desk and his hand started bleeding while the spectacled boy was trying really hard not to breakdown.

The leaders of the class were just in shock and tears started falling their eyes before they even realized it and when they did, that was it. They could not stop the river of tears which were flowing from their eyes. This was the first time they ever saw their leaders crying and the most unexpected one was the black haired girl. She was known to be cold hearted and sharp tongued. She never thought the only person in this class who saw her crying would now become the reason she is crying. She deemed him as his first friend. He was someone she could rely on, someone she trusted even though his twisted methods and most importantly, someone she wanted to be acknowledged by. To Horikita, Ayanokouji was someone she would put at the same level as her brother. Even if her way of talking to him was cold, even if she looked at him annoyingly most of the time, he was someone she was close too.

Hirata saw him as the most trustworthy person. He was the one who pulled him out of the ditch he had fallen into at the end of their first year. He was someone he could even trust with his eyes closed. Hirata thought of him as his best friend, someone he could tell everything about him and someone he wanted to understand. The memory when his best friend from middle school came flooding back to him and he fell in despair. He could not say anything at all and his fan group was both sad and worried about him. The expression he wore on his face was something no one in this school has seen.

Even after that, the one who was hurt the most in the class was undoubtedly Karuizawa. She loves Ayanokouji with all her heart no matter how he was, she loved him. No matter if he was the one who black mailed him, she loved him. No matter if he set her up bringing back all the old horrifying memories she had sealed away, she loved him. The pain she felt back in middle school due to all the bullying or even that scar was nothing in front of the pain she is feeling at the moment. The only person she ever loved and will ever love was snatched away from her by the cruel death. She felt as if the whole world around her had fallen down. Her heart ached to a level that she wanted to rip if out and throw it away to stop the suffering but she knew even that will not change the fact that her beloved had died.

She soon had problem breathing by the amount of she was crying and screaming that she was now grasping for breath. Sato tried to help her by rubbing her back but it did not help at all. Everyone were now worried about the blonde maiden who was had fallen from her seat to the cold ground and crying like a little kid who lost the most precious thing he had. Her eyes were red, hair were in mess and her body was not able to move at all.

Everyone else in the class were sad for their classmates and were praying for the poor soul. Ike and Sudou also had tears in their eyes. Even the group was originally the three idiots but Ayanokouji still hung out with them. He let them use his room which they just barged in without even his permission. Even though he complained a little but did not take any steps.

Kushida who talked about how he and Horikita should die was sad when one of them actually died in real life. These words should not be said even as a casual insult or a joke because when someone dies, it means that it is one person whose existence has been wiped off this world within a second. It takes a human about nine months to be born but they can just die in a second without anyone realizing.

Matsushita, the girl who used to stalk the boy seeing the situation unfold before her confirmed to her that he was indeed someone of really high caliber and also confirmed his connections to Karuizawa. But all that was useless now because of the disappearance of the boy. She silently sat in her seat not uttering a word just thinking about the dead boy.

In Class 2-A, an ominous aura could be felt around the class leader. A girl you could call a loli with lilac hair and suffering from a heart disease. On first look no one could say that she looks threatening in anyway but if you see closely, the look in her eyes told that she will easily kill the person in front of her without any hesitation which in this case, was their homeroom teacher.

"Sensei, no matter what, and mark my words. Never ever say any such thing about Ayanokouji-kun in front of me."

Her voice was so cold that even the teacher broke a sweat. He knew full well how capable Sakanayagi was. She was indeed a genius and this genius is sending glares with murderous intents at the teacher. Not only was he, even his class was trembling in fear for what she might do. She is not physically capable much but her brain works way faster than anyone present here. Making her mad was the last thing someone would want to do. The last person who pissed her off a little was expelled from the school and the person who went against her was crushed and had to transfer to another class.

"Sakanayagi, I have no idea what relation you have with Ayanokouji but what I am saying is the truth and it is my duty as you teacher to inform you. Even though he was someone from other class, I know him to a certain extent to know where you are coming from."

He knew how Sakanayagi was related to Ayanokouji and he also know full well what this brown haired boy could do. This boy with only a little assistance of them was able to even expel the acting director so he dying so suddenly was something even he could not believe. Anyone who knew this boy to a certain extent knew that this was almost equal to the earth changing its path and starting to revolve the other way round.

"There is no way I will believe that Ayanokouji-kun will die. There is absolutely no way."

She was still stuck to her belief that he was alive or this was just another plan that he made. As the masterpiece of white room, this was something he could do but she did not know full well about the white room except the fact that they create geniuses. The information that she had about that place was too little and vague. There may be the fact of this being due to some drugs or some other factor. At this moment, there were so many unknown factors that she could not understand what to do. For the first time ever in her life, she had no idea what to do. She just sat there in anger because Ayanokouji broke his promise. She still did not have a fair match against him which he promised and now he stopped existing. What she was feeling at the moment could not be expressed in one word.

Everyone in the class were in disbelief. This was the first time in the school's history that a student had died and student in question was not someone who anyone would have guessed to be the first one. No one knew him if not for the sports festival and the 100 in math exam. The boys who knew him as the "king" were sad and the same could be said about the girls but there was one more feeling with was welling up in them.


They were curios why their leader was so adamant on this fact. She still did not believe that Ayanokouji was dead. A certain purple haired girl had some grasp on the situation but she could not understand it properly so she was also just as confused whilst Sakanayagi's eyes started to well up with salty water which even she did not realize.

In class 2-B, a loud bang was heard followed by quick footsteps. Their class leader had been so enraged by the news that he was now grabbing the collar of their homeroom teacher. What enraged him was no the fact that Ayanokouji was dead, that made him sad but the fact that their teacher who had no idea about him did not show any hint of sadness on his face.

"Don't fuck with me! There is no way that bastard can die like this. Not in a thousand years can I fucking believe it!" he shouted.

The teacher along with the students present in the class were shocked by the spectacle that unfolded before them. No one had seen Ryuuen so pissed off. Not even his lackeys could think that he would react to it in this way.

"Ryuuen, this is no way to talk to a teacher. You should know that you can expelled for this."

The teacher still had his composure on the outside but was scared. Even if Ryuuen gets expelled, that would be after he most probably beat the hell out of his homeroom teacher. No one would want that.

In the back of the room, the sweetest smile in the entire school vanished off the face of the girl. It got replaced by an expression of sadness to the level that she could not stop her tears. Her book buddy, was no more, the person she deemed at her best friend. Her sound of crying calmed Ryuuen down as he let go off the teacher's collar. Everyone in the class was trying to calm down the girl who was crying. It is said that if a person who has the sweetest of the smile cries, even the angriest or the most ignorant person could calm down and worry about the person. That is the power it yields and this power even made the tyrant Ryuuen actually worry about Shiina Hiyori. The entire class was trying to console the girl. Everyone knew about her friendship with Ayanokouji and they knew how close the both were. The two could be easily be spotted in the library together discussing about books. Those were the moments that Shiina cherished the most. The moments that she wanted to last a little more even for a second but now these moments can no more exist as the aforementioned person is no more.

The strong yet kind hearted Albert was also one of the people consoling her but there was something else going on with him too. On looking closely, streams of tears could be seen flowing down from his glasses. No one could see his eyes but they were more than sure that the big African American was crying. The tomboy Ibuki was clenching her fist really hard. Even she did not know why. Even the sight of the expressionless boy was more than enough to make her feel irritated but her heart was paining from the news.

Ishizaki was trying really hard to hold back his tears while consoling the crying Shiina. Ryuuen got so angry that he punched through one of the windows and blood could be seen flowing from his hand. For the first time ever, the leader of Class B has lost his rationality. Even though he want to crush Ayanokouji, his strength and intelligence was something that he respected. For him, stronger the enemy was, the more respect he had for them. He did not realize this but it was there. The person who stopped him from leaving this school, twice was declared to have left this world. How can anyone keep calm in such a situation?

"Fuck it!" he shouted.

Loud wailing can be heard from Class 2-D. Hearing the news the strawberry blonde could not hold back her tears. Their homeroom teacher looked honestly pissed off from the news. The always smiling teacher had an unpleasant expression on her face. Ichinose was shedding rivers from her eyes. The last time they saw her sad was when her past was revealed and when they lost to Class C in the final special exam but this was nothing like it. The sadness on her face could not compare to that event. Ayanokouji had helped him time and time again even if he saw no gain in that but still did. The person who gave her the confidence to face her class about her past. The one who helped her save her classmates. The one who pulled her up from the ditch in the spring break was none other than Ayanokouji. The expressionless brown hair brown eyed modest boy who never wanted to show his real abilities in front of anyone. On top of all that, the person she loved is no more.

Even during the second year island exam, instead of her class, she gave Ayanokouji more priority to let him know that he was in danger. She was crying uncontrollably and her heart was aching to the point that she thought she would have an attack.

Everyone in Class D knew how much she liked him, no, loved him. She did not get an answer out of him at that time she confessed her feelings and she was regretting it now that she was so scared to be turned down. The entire class was trying to calm her down. Some girls were hugging her while the boys just saw the spectacle unfold in front of them with saddened eyes.

Now hurried footsteps were heard outside Class C where Karuizawa was on the state of getting seriously ill because of the death of her boyfriends. The class asked why she was sad to this level and Sato shouted with teary eyes.

"Is that what you care about at the moment? If you want to know, then fine. Karuizawa-san loved Ayanokouji-kun, they had been dating since spring break!"

As the line end, the sound of the door being slammed open was heard in the class. All the other leaders of the class were at the door. Even they did not know why they are here. Before they knew it, their body reacted and they found themselves running toward class 2-C. The class already surprised from the news about Karuizawa and Ayanokouji were now confused why the other leaders were here. Their eyes darted around the room crazily in the hope to find the boy here. It was not that they did not believe what they were told, they did not want to believe it.

"Where the fuck is that bastard?!" shouted Ryuuen.

"Haven't you heard Ryuuen? Ayanokouji is no more," replied the homeroom teacher.

"Does that mean, he is actually dead?" said Ichinose as she broke into more tears.


That one scream silenced everyone. Sakanayagi was last person you would think would scream to the top of her lungs even though she had the heart disease but she did. Shouting that, she almost lost her balance but was caught by Ryuuen who unconsciously reacted to it. At this point, all of them could not think rationally. Who would have thought that if the existence of someone like Ayanokouji who was like air in his class would cause such a ruckus in the second year?

"You kids have to understand. Doing this won't change the fact. What has happen has happened. You cannot bring the dead back to life," said the teacher.

"I don't care. I won't believe it unless I see that bastard with my own two eyes. I will even pull him back from hell if I want to!" shouted Ryuuen.

"Ayanokouji's body has already left the school premise and sent to his family. There is nothing you can do now."


Saying that his punched the door so hard that his hand went through it. The classroom doors of this school were really hard and punching through it was not something you could do easily. He might have broken his hand now but he did not care. He, no every person who actually knew Ayanokouji had lost all senses.

"That bastard just saved me and died! Who the fuck does he think he is?!" he shouted while Ichinose was crying and the same was happening to Sakanayagi.

"But how did the school know?" asked Sakanayagi who could somehow still form words from her mouth.

"When there are 15 minutes left for homeroom to start, the staff goes to the dorms of the students who did not exit the room to ask the reason so they already know. When Ayanokouji did not reply after being called number of times, they entered the room and found his dead body."

The students were taken back to their classes by their respective homeroom teachers. The classes started but no one cared about those. Everyone was feeling sad and sorrow for the poor soul. Horikita has lost all hope to reach to Class A. She did not care about that because there was no one who she wanted to hear, "Well done" from. She had her head down the entire time. Looking at Hirata at the moment will make anyone question if he was the Hirata that everyone knew about.

The Ayanokouji group now without Ayanokouji just helped each other trying to cope up with the loss. The groups name was not changed and now meeting with each other together was now not only for fun but for also remembering their expressionless friend. Sakura went silent that someone could mistake her for being dumb. Keisei was regretting saying all the harsh things he said to Ayanokouji. Though they forgot about it, it still pained him. The actual value of someone could be seen after that person dies and really, after his death, everyone knew the actual value of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. The person they just shoved off as another loner who is smart and quick on his feet.

After school ended, a certain first year student dropped out of the school. Her last words before dropping out were,

"This school is boring without my god here."

Now talking about Karuizawa, she looked like a walking corpse. Eyes which had no light in them. Her body was swaying as she was walking that anyone could just shout "zombie" if they see her. The person she loved so much was no more. Is that not enough reason for her to be broken? The person who build her up to the strong human she is was the reason that this human shattered into thousand pieces and was now beyond repair. She kept muttering the boy's name the entire time and she had cried so much now that there were no more tears left in her tear bank. Her group was trying really hard to bring her back to normal but they could not. During class, she was taken to the infirmary because she fainted after the leaders left the class. She was there for three hours. When she woke up, only one thing came out of her mouth.

"KIYOTAKA!" she shouted when she was broken from her slumber and then broke into tears again remembering that he no longer existed.

She was thinking the entire time about how cruel fate will be on her. She was bullied in middle school, got that ugly scar, was on the brink to go back to that original pathetic state, twice and now the only person she loved with all her heart was dead. No one would call her weak if she completely breakdown now. When her group was taking her around the mall all she said was,

"I dreamed of going there with Kiyotaka. Then finally I could see him smile."

To her Ayanokouji was a drug which she could not stop taking. The more she could get, the more addicted she got to it. To the point that she was now past the point of return long ago. The moment he embraced her into his arms when after he confessed to her was it. That was the point when she just wanted him all for herself. The sensation of his warm embrace travelled back to her body as she hugged herself and broke into tears again in the middle of the café. She did not care who was watching, she did not care what other think about her. All she wanted was to see Ayanokouji again.

When they were heading back to the dorms and got into the elevator, Karuizawa stood outside and did not enter. Her friends calling her but she could not hear that. The door closed and she kept staring at the door which after some time opened in front of her again. She still entered the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor as the elevator ascended. The door opened and she stepped out walking and stopping in front of the room 401. She had the key card for the room which she used to unlock.

Upon entering the room and closing the door, a very peculiar smell hit her nose. His smell was still present in the room. She looked at her points and saw that last night, all the points of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka were transferred to her account. She walked slowly seeing the room. It still had not changed as he never had any belongings. She fell on his bed and snuggled up in his blanket. It still had his smell. With that tears started coming out of her eyes as she started crying again.

"You can't just make me fall in love with you and then just die Kiyotaka," she said.

"Please come back to me."

Her phone vibrated. It vibrated couple of times but this one was different. She had a different setting for texts from known and unknown numbers and only one unknown number has ever texted her. As if like it was her second nature, she picked up the phone and saw a number she could not recognize. She had never seen this number in her life but her eyes widened seeing the content of the text.

"If, even by chance, you still love me when you graduate, call me on this number. It will now only be turned on that day. Sorry for being so cruel to you."

Her eyes widened and she quickly dialed that number. She wanted to confirm who it was. She had faint hope in her and her heart started beating faster and faster as the ring was going on and finally someone picked up.

"You know it is really risky thing to do Kei. You can get into trouble for this."

She heard it and she was sure who it was.

"Ki-yo-ta-ka, you are alive?" she said as a smile was formed on her face.

"Did you seriously believe I can die like this?"