Wu Bailian's False Accusations

As Wu Bailian and Wu Li stepped onto the arena, their presence was immediately noticeable.

Wu Bailian's white robe, adorned with a red lotus flower, was both captivating and charming. Her snow-white sword gleamed under the light, adding to her allure.

Wu Li, on the other hand, exuded an otherworldly aura, with his piercing yellow eyes emitting a sense of danger. His handsome features, highlighted by sharp eyebrows, gave him the appearance of an Immortal.

In every round, opponents must begin by bowing to each other as a sign of respect. Wu Li followed this custom, even when facing Wu Kang's underlings who he knew were his enemies.

Wu Bailian also paid her respects to Wu Li by bowing and cupping her hands.

However, to everyone's surprise, Wu Li didn't return the gesture.

"He's not bowing to her? What's he thinking?" whispered a spectator in the crowd.

"Maybe he's just arrogant," another replied.

"But even Wu Kang bows before his opponents. Who does this guy think he is?" the first scoffed.

Meanwhile, Wu Bailian couldn't help but feel disrespected by Wu Li's lack of greeting. "Hmph! Let's see if you are still arrogant after Wu Kang kills you." she thought.

"Why isn't Wu Li greeting Wu Bailian? Did they have a feud in the past?"

"I have no idea... I guess they do since he has always paid respects to his opponents in the past,"

One of the crowd's know-it-all laughed, "Hehe... this is going to be interesting..."

"What? Do you know something we don't?"

"I'm certain that you know that Wu Bailian is currently Wu Kang's lover!"

The people in the crowd nodded. They all knew that. The two were both extremely talented and were popular amongst the current generation of geniuses of the Jin Dynasty.

"Well, what if I told you that before Wu Bailian came to the main branch of the Wu Clan, she was from the Black Petal River City branch. And it just so happens that Wu Li came from the same branch!"

"And? So what if they come from the same branch? If it is like that, then Wu Li should be closer to Wu Bailian."

"Precisely! But you interrupted me and I couldn't finish. What is the most important thing is that Wu Li and Wu Bailian were both lovers in the past!"

The spectators looked enlightened and began to understand the situation.

With both competitors ready, the first match of the final round was about to begin. Wu Li drew his pitch-black sword, the Primordial Abyss Sword, and filled the arena with a surge of black Qi. His eyes turned a deep charcoal black, signaling that he was tapping into his full power.

Witnessing Wu Li's sword release its true strength, Liang Xia couldn't help but let out a sigh. This was one of the supreme treasures that he himself had wielded during his prime. The sword's blade was said to be the claw of a True Dragon, giving it an almost unfathomable amount of power.

"Wu Bailian, you abandoned me over a minor setback. But now, I'll prove to you that not only were you wrong, but that I'll always be stronger than you!" Wu Li's voice echoed through the arena, laced with bitterness and anger.

"Hmph! Do you really think that you can defeat me with your meager cultivation just because you found a way to cultivate again?" Wu Bailian retorted, her voice dripping with disdain.

"Five years ago, I was naive and foolish. I had no idea of the world beyond our village. You took advantage of that and tried to manipulate me into being your lover," she accused, her eyes narrowed in anger.

"Despite your shameless behavior, I tried to please you because you were a genius. But when you were crippled and could no longer force me to be with you, I was relieved!" Wu Bailian continued, her voice growing stronger.

"You even tried to force yourself onto me multiple times, and I barely managed to escape from some of the situations that you put me in!" she accused, her voice trembling with emotion.

The spectators were left stunned by Wu Bailian's accusations. As a young and beautiful woman, her words carried a certain weight that most people in the crowd didn't bother questioning.

"I can't believe Wu Li is the kind of person who would do such unspeakable things," one person muttered in disbelief.

"Absolutely shameless," another chimed in. "I'm sure after being exposed by Fairy Bailian today, he won't be able to show his face anywhere on the Jiaolong Continent!"

Inside the Jade Room...

Liu Shizi spoke up in a grave tone. "Is it true what Wu Bailian has accused Wu Li of?"

Wu Tie, the Third Elder, replied, "I'm not sure. I'll order some disciples to investigate the matter."

Wu Yang sensed Liu Shizi's unease and quickly spoke up. "Don't worry, Senior Brother Liu. I can vouch for Wu Li. He wouldn't stoop to such despicable actions. But to put your mind at ease, I'll personally investigate the matter after the match."

Liu Shizi breathed a sigh of relief. As a member of a righteous sect, he couldn't tolerate such vile behavior. He hoped to befriend as many talented individuals as possible, but not at the cost of his principles. Even if Wu Li was exceptionally gifted, Liu Shizi couldn't overlook any wrongdoing.

As the tension mounted in the arena, Wu Li's expression shifted from shock to anger. He had been foolish to trust Wu Bailian in the past.

"Enough talk, let's start the fight!" Wu Li sneered.

Wu Bailian remained composed and nodded, "Agreed, let's end this once and for all."

Li Xuefeng, sensing the fighters were ready, announced, "Let the first match begin!" She then hopped off the stage to observe the battle with great interest.

The battle began and Wu Bailian focused all her energy on putting up a fight. She knew that winning wasn't an option and that she'd have to rely on Wu Kang to defeat Wu Li, but she still wanted to maintain some dignity.

She utilized her Lightning Cloud Steps to dodge Wu Li's effortless attacks. Wu Li had yet to use any techniques and relied solely on his cultivation to battle Wu Bailian.

Despite this, Wu Bailian had no intentions of attacking and continued to dodge Wu Li's strikes. However, Wu Li grew tired of this and sneered coldly.

"Hmph! All you know is how to defend! Fine, I'll let you know the consequences of offending me!" Wu Li arrogantly said.

With his Flowing Water Sword Style, Wu Li launched a swift attack towards Wu Bailian's neck. The sword was so close that she could feel the aura of death looming over her.

If Wu Li wanted to kill her, she would die!

If Wu Li wanted her to live, she would live!

Is this what people call powerlessness?

Wu Bailian gritted her teeth and admitted her defeat. "I... I admit defeat!"

After the first match, the spectators didn't expect Wu Bailian to win one of the spots. Her opponent in the upcoming match would be Wu Kang.

Meanwhile, Wu Yang fulfilled his promise to Senior Brother Liu and invited both Wu Bailian and Wu Li to his room for a talk. Although Wu Bailian was unsure why the Second Young Master had invited her, she still went along, thinking it might be about the accusations she had made against Wu Li on the stage.

As she stepped into Wu Yang's room, Wu Bailian noticed Wu Li's presence and felt uneasy. She knew that Wu Yang had always taken Wu Li's side, and she wondered what he could possibly want from her now.

"Second Young Master, may I know the reason for your invitation?" she asked cautiously. "If it's about the accusations I made on stage, I would be happy to explain everything in more detail."

Wu Li, who had just arrived, looked at Wu Bailian with a frown. He was surprised to see her here, but he knew that Wu Yang would judge the situation in a fair manner.

On the stage, Wu Li didn't want to defend himself. He knew that no one would believe him anyways. After enduring humiliation for two years, he understood how the world works.

"Accusing me of such shameless things. You haven't changed a bit," Wu Li shouted.

Wu Yang interrupted their banter, "Enough. Since I brought you both here, I want to know who is telling the truth and who is lying."

Wu Bailian's eyes filled with tears, "Second Young Master, please uphold justice for me. This scoundrel wanted to do unspeakable things to me when I was just a child. He wanted to take advantage of me!"

Wu Yang's smile turned cold as he spoke, "I have a method to determine who is telling the truth and who is lying. However, the one who is lying will have to face the consequences of their actions."

Wu Bailian's face lit up with hope, while Wu Li's eyes gleamed with a chance to clear his name.

Wu Yang took out two pills that glimmered with an otherworldly aura. As soon as the pills appeared, the room's Qi began to coalesce, shocking both Wu Bailian and Wu Li.

Wu Li asked Second Young Master, "What type of pill do you have in your hands?" He made sure to keep his closeness with Wu Yang a secret by addressing him formally.

Wu Yang replied, "I have the greater Black Grade Pill, the Insightful Truth Pill. It's a powerful pill that makes any cultivator below the Nascent Soul Realm speak only the truth."

Excitedly, Wu Yang continued, "Senior Brother Liu gave me two of these pills to help me determine whether or not Wu Li is an evildoer or innocent. These pills are extremely rare and precious - my Senior Brother Liu only had two in his spatial ring!"

Wu Bailian and Wu Li's faces were filled with amazement upon hearing Wu Yang's words. The disciples of the sects were so rich that they had access to such precious pills.

The two pills in Wu Yang's hand were indeed greater Black Grade Pills, as the boundless Qi they attracted almost made Wu Bailian and Wu Li suffocate.

Meanwhile, Liang Xia had been quietly listening from Wu Li's ring, but couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Hehe, I've never heard of such a pill before, but I have to hand it to this brat - his ability to bullsh*t is impressive! If I wasn't a supreme Heaven Grade Alchemist, I would've fallen for it too!"

Wu Li was taken aback and asked, "Master, are you saying that Brother Yang is lying about the pills in his hands not being greater Black Grade Pills?"

Liang Xia shook his head and replied, "No, the pills in his hand are definitely two greater Black Grade Pills. The only difference is that they're not Insightful Truth Pills or whatever nonsense he's spouting. They're just two Azure Longevity Pills."

Chuckling to himself, Liang Xia added, "I have to hand it to Wu Yang - that little brat is almost as good as I was back in the day when it comes to talking trash!"

Wu Li rolled his eyes and thought, "Is that something to be proud of?"

Wu Li felt a bit confused, but looking at Wu Bailian's expression, he quickly realized that Wu Yang's plan had worked perfectly. Wu Bailian looked as scared as a defenseless rabbit.

Wu Yang continued, "Since Senior Brother Liu gave me these two pills, I want you both to take one and then go on stage in front of a crowd of thousands. There, you'll debate who's right and who's wrong. However, be warned - the person who lied will pay with their life! These pills are precious, and Senior Brother Liu wants to uphold justice just as much as I do."

Wu Yang paused for a moment before adding, "But let me warn you - Senior Brother Liu might not be as merciful as I am."

Wu Li and Wu Bailian both understood what Wu Yang meant.