Wager of the Sealed Flame Sword

As the day passed, the anticipation grew for the upcoming life and death duel between Wu Li and Yang Chen, which was only three days away. Among the Outer Disciples of the Extreme Jade Sword Sect, conversations about the highly-anticipated event were becoming more frequent.

Amidst all the gossip, Huang Zhi - the know-it-all of the Extreme Jade Sword Sect - saw an opportunity to make some Spirit Stones through other people's gambling.

Huang Zhi was very knowledgeable and believed that Wu Li would lose against Yang Chen. As a result, the odds were 1.1 to 6 in favor of Yang Chen.

Unlike Huang Zhi, Wu Yang was confident in Wu Li's abilities and knew that he would emerge victorious.

With unwavering faith in Wu Li's abilities, Wu Yang made a bold decision to place all of his possessions on Wu Li. Among his belongings was a valuable lesser Earth Grade Treasure, the Sealed Flame Sword, gifted to him by his master Li Yun upon accepting him as a disciple. The sword was worth an impressive 50,000 low-grade Spirit Stones, equivalent to 5 high-grade Spirit Stone. By betting on Wu Li, Wu Yang will gain around 25 high-grade Spirit Stones, a considerable amount for even an elder.

Unfortunately, Wu Yang wasn't allowed to take the lesser Earth Grade Treasure, the Hidden Dragon Ring, from his clan. This was truly a pity since he would have been able to gain another 5 high-grade Spirit Stones.

Wu Yang sought out Huang Zhi, the well-informed Inner Disciple of the Dark Shadow Peak, which was the fifth strongest peak in the Extreme Jade Sword Sect. Despite both of them being Inner Disciples, Wu Yang was aware that their standing was vastly different. Huang Zhi was a fellow prodigy, boasting an impressive Spiritual Root aptitude of over 50 and a network of connections within the sect.

Upon reaching Huang Zhi's cave abode, Wu Yang was taken aback by its grandeur. The stark contrast between their living quarters was immediately apparent. While Wu Yang's own abode was modest, Huang Zhi's residence was nothing short of extravagant. Its size, architecture, and decorations were a proof of his status.

Wu Yang noticed a guard giving him a scrutinizing look. The guard, a Core Formation cultivator who had only condensed one Dao Mark, posed no threat to him.

However, before he could even utter a word, the guard, Chen Zhanjie, bellowed at him with a stern tone. "Halt! State your name and purpose! This is the abode of Young Master Huang Zhi, and if your business isn't of utmost importance, I suggest you leave immediately and not disturb him!" Wu Yang could sense the guard's fierce loyalty and protective nature towards his master.

Wu Yang chuckled and replied, "I am Wu Yang, an Inner Disciple of Misty Forest Peak. You must have heard of me." He raised an eyebrow inquiringly. "Can I speak to Huang Zhi?"

Chen Zhanjie's attitude immediately shifted upon recognizing Wu Yang's name. "Senior Brother Wu Yang! My apologies, please come in. Your cultivation talent is widely known within the sect."

Chen Zhanjie swung the door open and gestured for Wu Yang to follow him. "Allow me to guide you to Young Master Huang Zhi," he offered as he began walking towards Huang Zhi's chambers.

The man before him was frail and dressed in a Daoist robe, adorned with the character "Huang" that was embroidered in gold thread. Despite his skinny frame, Wu Yang couldn't shake off the feeling that the young man in front of him could easily strike him down with a single blow.

Understanding the need for privacy, Chen Zhanjie quickly excused himself and left the room, leaving Wu Yang to converse with Huang Zhi.

With a curious glance towards Wu Yang, Huang Zhi queried, "Brother Wu Yang, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I don't recall having met you before. May I know the purpose of your visit?"

Even though they had never met before, Huang Zhi was clearly aware of Wu Yang's appearance.

Wu Yang grinned and replied, "No, we haven't met before, Brother Huang Zhi. But I've heard a lot about you. I must say that your reputation precedes you! I came to place a bet on Wu Li."

Huang Zhi ignored the compliments and raised an eyebrow in surprise. "A bet on Wu Li? You have quite the confidence in him. May I know how much you're willing to wager?"

Wu Yang chuckled. "Enough to make it interesting, or else I wouldn't have come personally. What do you say, Brother Huang Zhi?"

Huang Zhi smiled. "You have my attention, Brother Wu Yang."

Wu Yang replied, "I want to bet everything I have on Wu Li's victory. This includes my lesser Earth Grade Soulbound Treasure, the Sealed Flame Sword." He paused and added, "When my master, Venerable Li Yun, accepted me as his disciple five years ago, he forged the Sealed Flame Sword and then gave it to me."

Huang Zhi raised an eyebrow, "Everything you have? That's quite a bold move, Brother Wu Yang." He then looked at Wu Yang up and down, assessing him. "But, if you're willing to risk it all, I can't stop you."

Huang Zhi maintained his composure, but his mind was in disarray. Soulbound Treasures were notoriously expensive, and the fact that Wu Yang was willing to use it as a wager was beyond his belief.

It was common knowledge that treasures were classified into three categories: Soulbound Treasures, Refined Treasures, and Heaven and Earth Treasures.

Refined Treasures are the weakest type of treasures as the connection between the cultivator and the treasure is fragile. The cultivator needs to infuse their Qi into the treasure to slowly refine it.

The Hidden Dragon Ring was such a treasure.

Soulbound Treasures, on the other hand, are much stronger than Refined Treasures because they can only be bound to one cultivator, making their bond much stronger and allowing them to display more power. They also grow stronger with the cultivator and are significantly more valuable than Refined Treasures. However, Soulbound Treasures are bound to the soul, which means that only one person can use them, and after the cultivator dies, the treasure becomes unusable.

Very obviously, Wu Yang didn't refine the Sealed Flame Sword yet, since it takes more than ten years to do so.

Finally, Heaven and Earth Treasures are the strongest type of treasures as they have been nurtured by the Heaven and Earth. It is said that if a cultivator can acquire such a treasure, they can immediately soar to new heights!

"Brother Wu Yang, I need to talk to my master and my clan members. To be honest with you, I don't have something equivalent to 25 high-grade Spirit Stones currently." Huang Zhi was mindful of his words, since he didn't want to lose this deal.

"It's alright, I understand. Brother Huang Zhi, I have faith that your master will accept such a deal." Wu Yang said as handed Huang Zhi the Sealed Flame Sword and 200 low-grade Spirit Stones. He wasn't worried that the latter would steal his sword since he had a reputation to uphold.

As Wu Yang said this, he left Huang Zhi's cave abode.

On the same day, Huang Zhi spoke to his master Venerable Eclipse Mist, also known as Huang An. After hearing his request, Huang An readily agreed and lent him 25 high-grade Spirit Stones with the assurance that he would get them back soon.

The following day, shocking news spread like wildfire throughout the Outer Court - Wu Yang had wagered the Sealed Flame Sword on Wu Li's victory. It was an act of extravagance that left everyone astounded. The sword was a highly coveted treasure, and even if some cultivators worked for a hundred years straight, they might not obtain one. Wu Yang's willingness to use it as a bet seemed reckless and unheard of.

As the news traveled, it also reached the ears of Wu Yang's master, Venerable Li Yun. The Venerable wasted no time and summoned Wu Yang to his presence, demanding an explanation for his actions.

Wearing a white Daoist robe, Venerable Li Yun appeared old and frail, but his disposition remained grandiose. He fixed his gaze upon Wu Yang with eyes that could kill, and probed, "Did you use the sword that I personally forged for you as a wager?"

Wu Yang quickly fell to his knees, "Master, I know I've disappointed you. But please believe me, Wu Li is going to win this duel. Please forgive me for using the sword as a wager."

Li Yun's face turned red with anger, and he began to vent his frustration on Wu Yang. "Unfilial disciple! How dare you bet the sword that I forged for you! If you lose it, I'll skin you alive!" he bellowed.

Wu Yang shook his head in disappointment. Although his master was a strong cultivator, he was narrow-minded. "Master, please forgive me for my impudence. I believe that some people are destined to rise above others. I believe Wu Li is one of those people," Wu Yang said calmly.

As Wu Yang spoke, he noticed a vein popping on his master's forehead, indicating increasing anger. Nonetheless, he pressed on, "I do have one request, Master. If Wu Li emerges victorious and turns the tides, I hope you will stand by him and support him, no matter what."

Li Yun was at a loss for words. He couldn't believe the audacity of his disciple. With a sigh, he relented. "Very well, but mark my words, if you lose the Sealed Flame Sword, you will not see the light of day for one hundred years. You will be banished to cultivate in seclusion."

Wu Yang's smile widened as he said, "Master, if you have any doubts, please come and witness the duel."

Li Yun waved his hand dismissively. He knew he had to let his disciple learn from his mistakes. For the next one hundred years, he would make sure that Wu Yang regretted using the Sealed Flame Sword as a wager.

The day of the duel between Wu Li and Yang Chen had arrived, after several days had passed.

[A/N: I want to ask you guys if it is fine if I use the name Xiao Ye instead of Wu Yang, since in his future reincarnations it will be kinda weird to use the given name of the reincarnation, instead of Xiao Ye's true name. I will most probably edit all the chapters, so be prepared.]