The Demon Version of My Family : Part 3

The moon was getting higher as the night befallen them. The guards were getting farther away from them while the lieutenant, the mercenary, and Axel's dear old bully stood among the building ruins.

"He's just... gone?" Aster muttered as he finished searching the whole building ruins together with his brother. A white cap stayed in his hand while he looked around.

The lieutenant sighed while putting down the last wall crack. They had been looking around for the mute murderer, but they just could not find him.

He diverted his gaze to the mercenary who was just following them around without actually helping. It irritated Valerian because it was the mercenary's boy they were searching for, yet the criminal himself was just hanging around, watching Aster and himself work.

"Aren't you worried about him?" Valerian turned his body around to meet face-to-face with his sworn enemy.