Between You and Him : Part 1

In life, we always have to choose. The good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the right and the wrong.

For Axel, he always stuck on the last words. The bad, the sad, and maybe the wrong.

He started to think that everything was wrong.

He thought he was good by staying silent and obedient to his brother. He thought he was happy by following all his orders. He thought he was right by trying to make Kiaran happy.

But he was really, really, really wrong.

It all came to him when he saw how his family counterpart kidnapped him and made him like this. He knew it was bad, sad, and wrong. God, he really did know about that.

But it seemed like he was good at being in denial all these times. All the abuse and using him as a tool for killing people were there, right in front of his face. He did not know at first, and he wished he still didn't.