Between Us : Part 1

"I know your power will wear off in three minutes. You should've paid attention to yourself more, demon." The mercenary whispered with a revolver etched on the back of his counterpart's head.

The demon chuckled at the sudden threat. "You think I wouldn't know my own weakness?" He grinned, turning the threat against the human.

"When you use your weakness to fight, it's not a weakness anymore." The anarchist stated, flipping the situation around as the mercenary just realized that the demon's hand was already pointing at his neck, ready to slice him with his long dark fingernails in a mere second.

"Don't shoot." The words sliced into human Kiaran's ears, thralling his mind to obey, freezing his finger that was ready to pull the trigger.

"You tried to attack me just like my plan." The anarchist began, still standing unhurried in his place with his other self pointing a gun that couldn't shoot from behind.